AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Friday, November 27, 2015

A Safer, Better Future

The White House Occupant wanted us to discuss gun control over the table this Thanksgiving. So we did. We discussed how many blunderbuss muskets it took the Pilgrims to shoot enough turkeys to feed the Pilgrims and their 90 Indian guests at the first Thanksgiving.

In his Thanksgiving Day address the WHO compared the Syrian refugees with the Pilgrims who only wanted "nothing more than the chance for a safer, better future for themselves and their families.”

Actually the real Pilgrims didn't opt for a safer future, they risked their lives to build a nation in a wilderness full of danger and uncertainty. They left England with no promises, no security, and no help. They didn't go looking for a free ride, or cowardly running from a fight to save their own country.

They did go with the purpose of establishing the Christian religion in the New World. Do you think maybe the Syrian refugees might have a similar agenda in mind even while they take handouts from their Christian benefactors?

There has never been a president this ignorant or disrespectful of American history.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrims

We don't have a large Muslim population here in Olongapo, but they seem to be growing and we've noticed a lot of Muslim street vendors across from the mall lately. Yesterday at one of the open air markets in town there was a Muslim riot. We're not sure yet what it was about, but it was Muslim on Muslim trying to kill each other. My guess would be we have both Sunni and Shia Muslims here in that case.

With that in mind the first thing I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving is that our God is Love, that His message is love, that His command to us is to love, that He doesn't bribe us with physical pleasures for hatred and murder, but rather promises an eternal joy that we can't even begin to imagine (I Corinthians 2:9) all because He loves us enough to have died in our place (John 3:16).

Unlike the White House Occupant I understand and appreciate our history. Our real history, that is. I love the story of the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock after braving the stormy North Atlantic in search of religious liberty. I'm proud of the heritage they gave us by settling an area where no Indians lived and brokering a peace treaty with the Wampanoag and Narragansett tribes that lasted 55 years until the Indians broke it.

I'm proud of the true history of the first Thanksgiving when the Pilgrims invited the Indians to join them in a harvest feast and thanking God for His mercy and provision through that first terrible year. Yes, I'm sure they were very grateful to Squanto for the help he gave them, but the first Thanksgiving wasn't about Squanto or the Indians like some public school textbooks teach. It was about thanking the God of the Bible.

Thank you, Lord, for your magnificent provision and blessings in our lives. Thank you for giving us the greatest country in the history of the world. Thank you for those who have sacrificed to make it possible, and especially for those who have paid the ultimate price that we might breathe free.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Democrat Debate, Part 2

We don't have Fox Business Channel here so we didn't see the Republican debate this week. Then the Democrat debate was late last night your time which was during church this morning here, so we missed it too. No worries. From the news clips it looks like Rubio and Cruz had great nights, and the Democrats were all losers.

No sooner had Obama declared that ISIS is contained than ISIS uncontained itself and spread out of the Middle East to attack Paris. In response in their debate all three Democrat candidates supported Obama's plan to allow 170,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. Do you think there is something lacking in their intellectual capacitors? Then Bernie Sanders made the most insane claim yet about global warming. It's the cause for the rise of ISIS he said. Ann Coulter thinks the events this week just gave the next presidency to Donald Trump. The question is whether or not we will survive long enough for there to be a next election. While Obama golfs the world has descended into chaos, and liberals still think he's the greatest president in history. There's no measurement for brain capacities that small.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ben Carson Gets Fired Up

Well did you see where obama said the bottom line about obamacare is that the American people like it? He's living in an alternate universe where everything he says is truth, and the lame stream media worshipping at his feet confirm everything he says. In the real world 70% of Americans want it overturned.

Did you also see Ben Carson's interview yesterday? He wrote his autobiography and claimed to have been offered a "scholarship" to West Point. Since he didn't take it the media is doubting the credibility of his claim. Actually, "scholarship" is the wrong word. If you get chosen you get an appointment to the service academies and then the government pays your way. But Carson turned it down because he wanted to go into medicine. No big deal except the media is challenging the truth of the allegation.

Along with that Carson wrote that in his rebellious teenage years he once threatened a friend with a knife. The liberal media is all over it, checking up with all the childhood friends they can find and finding no evidence of the incident. While they are busy calling Carson a liar they are missing the real story. Carson was such a good kid that none of his neighbors ever knew of the incident. It appears that the three things he mentions are about the only three things he ever did wrong in his youth. Carson is just being real, showing that he's not perfect, and the media is calling him a liar for admitting he isn't.

The best part, however, came in the news conference when reporters kept challenging him on these little tidbits of facts. Carson came unglued and angrily challenged the news media for not investigating obama's false claims in his books when he was running for president. When they tried to change the subject Carson wouldn't let them and repeatedly asked them why they had never asked these questions of bho. That led to bringing up the validity of the birth certificate. Carson accused the media of being all over his claim of a "scholarship" and what his true college credentials are, but they've never yet asked why obama's college record is sealed.

Carson brought up everything the politically correct leftists and wimpy right wing compromisers are afraid to talk about and laid it at the feet of the liberal media. But what's more, he showed he can get angry and raise his voice and command a situation. This was a great weekend of Ben Carson and for America. Finally we have people not afraid to demand answers to questions that even Bill O'Reilly has been afraid to ask because of political correctness.