The right to liberty is the second God endowed right expressed in our Declaration of Independence. It is a right that most of the world's peoples have never enjoyed. From Nimrod's first empire 4500 years ago to the Marxist dictatorships of today, tyrants have enslaved, terrorized, and brutally smothered the desires and ambitions of people to be free.
Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord (Genesis 10:9-10). He was infamously a hunter of men. The ancient Egyptians, the Assyrians and Babylonians, the Persians and Romans, the Ottomans, the Mongolian Golden Horde, the kings of Europe, the Conquistadors, the Papacy, African tribes, Ayatollahs, the USSR and China, the communists of the 20th century all lived by one principle: the suppression of common people for the empowerment of despotic rulers.
Early Pilgrims led by John Winthrop envisioned America as a "shining city upon a hill." This was going to be a place where people could escape tyranny and enjoy the freedoms they had never known. America would be a place that opened its arms to the tired, the poor, the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free." And so it has become.
When the Founding Fathers framed the Constitution they gave us a form of government where "We the People" granted limited powers to the Federal government in order for that government to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." But the original document gave no guarantees to those liberties and many of the Founders refused to sign it without the promise of the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Those amendments were designed to limit the power of the government so that our freedoms, as delineated in the Declaration of Independence, could not be denied.
The First Amendment, our bedrock of liberty, guarantees the freedom of Religion, of Speech, of the Press, of Assembly, and the freedom to challenge and influence the direction of our government by a "redress of grievances." The Second guarantees our right to own and bear arms. These and eight more were added to prevent the government from becoming a tyranny.
This is a government, however, that will only work, as John Adams said, for a moral and religious people. Without God and a moral base the system collapses, but as long as people police themselves by self-discipline and consideration of their fellow men, the system works. When men love God with all their hearts and their neighbors as themselves (Matthew 22:37-39), there is no need for excessive laws. This method worked well in America for over 170 years.
As the freest people in the world we became the mightiest and most prosperous nation in the world. We became the world's benefactor nation, first through missionaries and charitable societies, then by freeing the world from Nazi and communist tyrannies, and then by food aid and economic development programs designed to help struggling democracies.
But somewhere along the way we lost our focus. As we became affluent, we became apathetic. We turned our backs on the God of our Fathers, kicked Him out of our schools, and turned our compassion and our ambition over to the government. The more we turned over, the more the government took. The New Deal, the Great Society, the New World Order, stimulus packages, universal health-care, have all led to massive taxes and monstrous debt, and thousands of pages of new laws, new restrictions, and more government empowerment. When America forgot God and became secular, government stepped in and became god to many. And what happened to our liberty?
There is a direct correlation between government and freedom. The more power government takes, the less free people become. When the selfish clamor for rights goes beyond "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," the cry for government to give us more ultimately results in government taking away what we had. The more secular and materialistic people become the less discerning they become. Now, an undiscerning populace, backed by a non-objective and undiscerning press, has elected a socialist, Muslim, who may not even be an American citizen, president of the United States, and the right to liberty is under attack as it has never been before.
Our right to be a free, independent people, secure within our own borders is being denied by the president and his administration, the very people obligated to provide that security. "We are not defined by our borders," the president said some months ago. Neither are we any longer defined by the Faith of our Fathers. According to the president we are not and never have been a Christian nation, and now a 13 story mosque next to Ground Zero in New York City is being planned with the blessing of the president and Democrat leftists.
This is not government; this is revolution. It is the overturning of what America is, a free Christian nation, in favor of a secular anti-Christian socialist system which will take America to the "ash-heap of nations" if it continues unchecked.
The right to liberty requires a return to the God of our Fathers, the God the left does not know. It requires patriotism, a love of country which the left does not have. It requires discernment, which the masses following the president like unquestioning lemmings are lacking. It requires responsible, law-abiding citizens, which illegal aliens are not. The right to liberty requires a moral and religious people who love America and are willing to fight for our country, our heritage, and our God.
If we don't draw the line and stand now, our liberties, and our right to be free, will be gone forever and like the godless Soviet Union, America will fall without a shot being fired.
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