This week the Justice Department officially filed a law suit against Arizona over the immigration law Arizona passed in April. The Justice Department's argument is that "enforcing immigration law is a Federal responsibility." Well, duh! Wake up Eric Holder. The reason Arizona acted is because the Federal government has reneged on its responsibility. By the way, have you read the Arizona law yet?
Step up former Arizona governor and now head of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. This week she self-righteously claimed that she had walked the border, driven the border and she can assure everyone that the border is as secure as it has ever been. As former Congressman James Traficant would say, "Beam me up, Scotty." What universe is Napolitano living in? People are dying. Gun battles are taking place and a "hit" has been ordered by Mexican drug lords on an Arizona sheriff.
Up steps the president in typical "cut-the-throat-of-your-ally" fashion and says the border is too long to secure, and a fence wouldn't solve the problem anyway. But if 18 million illegal immigrants are given amnesty then he'll be able to build the fence. Wait a minute, Mr. President. Your Homeland Security wonk just said there wasn't a problem! So what are you talking about, or does Napolitano really need to get on a space ship and go somewhere else?
This immigration problem has been brewing for decades. Ronald Reagan wanted to close the border but couldn't get the funding out of the Democrat controlled House to do it. He finally agreed to a Ted Kennedy compromise. Give amnesty to 300,000 illegal immigrants and they'll secure the border. The 300,000 turned into three million and no fence was ever built. Bush 1 and Clinton ignored the border, and when Bush 2 with a Republican controlled Congress was pressured to act he refused until Congress overwhelmingly passed a law in 2006 to build the fence. But by the time the law went into affect the Democrats had won back control of both Houses and refused to appropriate the funds to carry out the law.
Now we have what amounts to an invasion of our sovereign soil, not just by illegal migrant workers looking for jobs, but by drug running criminals with assault rifles and machine guns, as well as Muslim terrorists from other countries. About one in ten of those captured are non-Mexican. The Border Patrol, sadly lacking in personnel and resources, is doing a great job in trying to fight this battle, but what is needed is an Army division with tanks to stop the flow until the double security fence can be built.
We are literally in a war for our identity as a nation and immigration is only one battle in that war. The leftists in charge are constantly attacking our First and Second Amendment rights, particularly our Christian values. U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro just ruled a 1996 Massachusetts law defining marriage as one man and one woman unconstitutional. The "don't ask don't tell" policy on gays in the military has been declared unconstitutional. Hillary Clinton has promised the United Nations that the U.S. will sign its international gun ownership ban. The news media is being prohibited by the government from broadcasting about the Gulf oil spill on location. Christian values are denied on college campuses.
All the while plans for a 13-story mosque two blocks from ground zero in New York City is being defended as an example of religious freedom and separation of church and state. That mosque is an insult to all those who died on 9/11 and an affront to every patriotic American citizen. It is part of a subtle plot by Islamists to invade and change the culture of our country as a step toward turning us into an Islamic state, and President Barack Hussein Obama is in lock step with that plot.
The president said this week that the reason he has trouble with Israeli relations is because the Jews fear his middle name. No, Mr. President, that's not it. It's because of your Muslim loving, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish policies that are changing the greatest nation on earth into the laughing stock of the world while you subvert our free enterprise system in favor of a bankrupt socialist one world state with no borders.
If We the People don't have enough sense to vote these anti-American leftists out in November and the president out in 2012, there may not be an America left to have free elections in 2016. You think I'm kidding? I warned about this two years ago but never in my wildest imagination did I see anything happening as fast as it is happening. If we want to remain a free America with the true values of our Christian past, we Christians need to get on our knees and start begging God to intervene. Last Sunday Baptist pastor Charles Stanley asked his audience to commit to praying specifically for our country everyday for the next 140 days. I committed to join him, I hope you will too, and by all means, when elections come around, get out and vote.
Great post Lance. It hits the nail right on the head.