AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Remember 9/11

In moments of crisis the memory of sudden, tragic attacks against the United States has fanned the flames of patriotic fervor. "Remember" has become a motto that has stirred Americans to action. It has been the battle cry that has kept the purpose for going to war close to our hearts. It has been the motivation to right the wrongs perpetrated against Americans.

In 1836, 188 Texans gave their lives at a little Spanish Mission in San Antonio, Texas. Overwhelmed by an army 25 times their size, they fought bravely for thirteen days until the end came. When Sam Houston's still outnumbered, rag-tag army caught up with Santa Anna, the battle cry, "Remember the Alamo" was on the lips of each soldier as they quickly defeated the Mexican army.

In 1898, the battleship, USS Maine, sat peacefully in the harbor at Havana, Cuba. In the middle of the night a horrendous explosion ripped a hole in the ship and it sunk in only minutes. As America geared up for war against Spain the battle cry was, "Remember the Maine." Americans remembered and quickly defeated the Spanish at San Juan Hill in Cuba and in the Battle of Manila Bay in the Philippines.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor forced America into World War II. The largest war in world history ended almost four years later with the cost of almost half a million American lives. "Remember Pearl Harbor" rang from sea to shining sea as America rose to the test once again and conquered tyranny.

Nine years ago today America was drawn into another conflict. This one from a more nebulous enemy. Muslim terrorists from Al Qaeda flew airliners into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon. "Remember 9/11" was the rallying cry as America went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Nine years later, many Americans seem to have forgotten what 9/11 is all about. The president announced today that "America has never been and never will be at war with Islam." President Bush said the same thing. Yet nearly every terrorist organization in the world today, and every terrorist group that has attacked America are Islamic. They have no regional boundaries. They are not defined by countries or governments. They are only defined by a religion.

The president piously spoke of religious freedom in America, implying support for the ground zero mosque, which he has previously publicly supported. But if Islam gets it's ultimate goal and takes over America, there will be no religious freedom. And until our leadership wakes up and defines our enemies for what they are, we will never win the War on Terror. We've won the battle on the ground in Iraq, and we can still win the battle in Afghanistan, but terrorism will never be defeated as long as we refuse to go after the philosophy that drives it.

Now after a long drawn out war with leaders who haven't figured out who they are fighting, many Americans don't remember. It was an Islamic attack on American soil against peaceful American citizens. Never forget it.

Remember 9/11.


  1. People HAVE forgotten, Lance! John and I were talking about that today. Liberals refer to it as the "disaster on 9/11" or the "events" of 9/11, or when the Twin Towers blew up as if they did it spontaneously. It's even to the point the director of Homeland Security wants the terrorist attacks of 9/11 to be referred to as a "man-caused disaster." All of this so as not to OFFEND Muslims!! Really???? Today, CNN even posed the question, "Did we over-react after the events of 9/11?"


  2. The left is led by a bunch of driveling cowards. If we are unwilling to fight for our freedom we will lose it forever. CNN is a joke.
