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Friday, October 22, 2010

Do We Have a Godless President?

For the third time in a month Obama has quoted the Declaration of Independence and left out "endowed by our Creator." After the first incident at a hispanic caucus many of the president's defenders brushed it off saying it was a paraphrase or slip of the tongue. But then at a fundraiser in New York City he repeated his performance, and this last week at a fundraiser in Maryland he did the same. It can no longer be denied that the president's denial of the Creator is deliberate.

Obama claims to be a Christian, but everywhere he goes and everything he says belies the claim. He has publicly said he prefers Islam, he had to be corrected in an interview when he referred to his "Muslim faith," he covers up Christian symbols when he speaks at universities, he cancels Christian days of prayer but honors Muslim clerics in the White House during Ramadan, but his supporters, including the lapdog sold out liberal media, still insist he's a Christian, and even many conservative pundits seem to be unwilling to face this inconvenient truth. They'll say he's a socialist, a communist, or a Marxist, but not a Muslim. Could they be right?

The president's "Christian faith" was gained from twenty years of sitting under the ministry of Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his liberation theology. Liberation theology is an aberrant doctrine that interprets Christ's Sermon on the Mount about the poor to mean liberty from unjust economic, social, or political conditions. The movement began within the Catholic church in Latin America in the 1950's and 60's and grew into an international movement and took on the Marxist principles of class struggle and conflict between the poor and the hierarchy. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, stated in the 1980's that it is a flawed theology that teaches "Marxist myths."

Liberation theology has been used in the African-American community by such stalwart preachers as Jesse Jackson to stir up class envy and demand socialist reparations for the white man's past "racist crimes." This is the theology that would allow Wright to preach his hatred and shamelessly curse America rather than teach the love of Christ. This is where Obama, raised as a Muslim in Indonesia memorizing much of the Koran, learned his Christianity as an adult.

It would be no wonder that he would be afraid to show that kind of belief publicly, but denying the Creator in the Declaration of Independence is indicative of a far greater problem. The president has also publicly stated (with the endorsement of that great theologian Oprah Winfrey) that there are many ways to heaven and Christianity is only one. That, of course, is in direct contradiction to a very basic Christian doctrine that Jesus is the only way (John 14:6; Acts 4:12), but it exposes an even greater lack of understanding by the president not only of Christianity, but also of Islam.

One of the great criticisms of Christianity is that it is intolerant of other religions, but the same people that condemn Christians for this belief, overlook the fact that Islam is even more intolerant than Christianity. In practice, Christianity does insist that Jesus is the only way of salvation, but it tolerates all other religions because one's faith is a free choice to be made by every individual. Islam, on the other hand, teaches that allah is the only way to heaven and ultimately Islam will kill you if you don't submit. And who do they say is less tolerant?

When the president's track record is considered, his refusal to acknowledge the Creator in the Declaration indicates more than anything else his unbelief in the Creator. And it's not just the Christian God he doesn't believe in. He doesn't believe in allah either. His bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia and quoting the Koran notwithstanding, if he truly believed in allah he would at some point have to confess his belief. No, I think the only god the president really believes in is the Marxist, humanist god, man. No matter what he says, Obama's actions betray a man who has no submissive spirit to nor belief in the true God that America was founded upon, Jesus Christ. In other words, he is godless.

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