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Thursday, November 4, 2010

They Still Don't Get It

After the trouncing the Democrats took in 1994, Bill Clinton got up and said, "I hear you." He proceeded to give up his health care plan and high tax schemes and governed from the center. Then, by repackaging himself, he was able to win reelection in '96 by taking credit for the recovered economy the Republican Congress gave him.

The question going around the last few days was whether or not Obama would be able to learn the same lesson and repackage himself. No way. Not only has he not learned it, the uber-leftist, arrogant media hasn't learned it either.

This morning on CNN Overseas their self-absorbed know-it-all political commentator, whose name I will put in here when I remember it, boldly declared that this election was not a rejection of Obama, but frustration by the people that not enough has been done. According to him nearly ten percent unemployment was not a result of Obama's policies and the people still want his agenda carried out. What planet is he living on? Some polls show 70-80% of the people think the country is heading in the wrong direction, and at least 58% of the population want Obamacare repealed.

The president doesn't get it either. In his press conference, where he had to answer questions directly without a teleprompter, he wandered all over the verbal map saying a lot of nothing to many questions. He talked about how nobody complains about his leadership style when he's out on the road, but his problem is he's in the White House where people can't see him. He said the answer is for him to get out more often. It begs the question, "What does he consider getting out?" In 22 months he's taken more overseas trips than George Bush took in eight years, and he's played at least 52 rounds of golf. I'd say he's getting out a lot, and that is part of the problem. He's not spending enough time in the White House doing his job.

He also piously accepted the blame for not doing enough and fed the press corps what must have become the party line; people didn't reject his agenda, they're frustrated that not enough has been done. In other words, just like the main stream media, he missed the whole point of this election. Liberals were thrown out in droves because people are dead set against Obamacare, higher taxes, unelected unconstitutionally appointed czars, higher gas prices because we won't drill for our own oil, trillion dollar deficits, and bigger government.

Obama, as well as all the MSM press, said the Republicans now will need to compromise with him to work together to get his agenda accomplished. He said he is willing to entertain any ideas from Republicans on how they can do that to get the job done. That's what he said two years ago too, and in all this time he has not once listened to or considered a single Republican idea on any of his agenda. What makes anyone think he will listen now?

What is most disappointing about the elections is that the Republicans did not take more seats in the Senate, but they took enough that even with RINO Republicans voting with the Democrats, they have enough votes to filibuster and put a stop to Obama's agenda. But the sweeping turn-around in the House, the largest Democrat turnover in one election cycle in history, is an absolute repudiation of Obama and his whole agenda. The one who is going to have to compromise now to try to get anything done is going to be the president. Fat chance that's going to happen. Obama still doesn't get it.

A year and a half ago when Republicans complained about being ignored Obama said, "We won, you lost. Get over it." Well, this time we won, he lost. He can take his compromise and shove it.

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