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Friday, April 29, 2011

It's Just a Birth Certificate

Yesterday the president finally released his birth certificate to the public and followed it immediately with a press conference in which he took no questions. He just made a statement and left. It looks after all like Donald Trump has done what the Democrats didn't try to do, the liberal media didn't want to do, the Republicans didn't insist on being done, and the birthers couldn't get done no matter how loudly they protested.

CNN overseas interviewed a Democrat White House strategist named Maria something (I didn't catch her last name) who claimed the Republicans should thank Obama for releasing the birth certificate because now they can concentrate on the real issues. She said essentially that the White House would be glad to hear something from the Republicans on relevant issues rather than these distractions.

Well, first of all, most of the leading Republicans in both the House and the Senate have stated openly they believe Obama has a birth certificate from Hawaii. Even conservative talk show hosts Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck have refused to be drawn into the argument. The Republicans in government and the radio/TV presenters that Obama hates the most have basically backed him up on this. It's the so-called "birthers" and Donald Trump that have pressed the issue.

Furthermore, the White House hasn't listened to a single word the Republicans have said on any relevant issue for the last two years. What makes her, or anybody, think they are going to listen now that the birth certificate controversy is supposedly over?

In his press conference Obama said that he has "watched with amusement" these last two and a half years and "I have been puzzled by the degree to which this thing kept on going."

I don't think it's all that amusing myself, and why should he be puzzled? He supposedly has spent nearly a million dollars in legal fees trying to prevent not only his birth certificate but every other private document in his life from being released to the public. That's why this thing has kept going on. So much for the most transparent administration in history.

"We got some enormous challenges out there," he continued. "There are a lot of folks who are still looking for work. Everybody is still suffering under high gas prices. We're going to have to make a series of very difficult decisions about how we invest in our future, but also get a hold of our deficit and our debt."

Interesting he would bring up these relevant issues. These are the very ones the Republicans are shouting in his face every day, and he is either intentionally ignoring them, or is so absolutely brain dead when it comes to sensible ideas for fixing them that he has no answers. His supposed efforts in dealing with these problems have made them exponentially worse than they were when he took office.

Obama went on to say we wouldn't be able to solve the problems "if we vilify each other." Then he went on to vilify birthers as being distracted by side shows and apparently referred to Trump as a "carnival barker." He went on to say, "We do not have time for this kind of story. I've got better stuff to do."

Uh-huh. Better stuff like ... campaigning. And do I hear the links calling? Or Oprah Winfrey?

He is right, though. With the world in the financial crisis it is in and unrest breaking out all over the Middle East, we don't have time for this chicanery. He could have taken care of this two and a half years ago, but has steadfastly refused until somebody with the guts and the bucks to stand up to him and his media lap dogs forced his hand.

The question is, why after fighting it so hard all this time does he suddenly give in now?

Two and a half years is a lot of time to find a good forger and to cover the tracks. And how about the document itself? His father's race is listed as "African." African isn't a race. I don't know how they would print it now, but in 1961 black people were still called "Negro," or their race, "Negroid." That's what you would expect to have shown up on the birth certificate. So can we be certain it is even legitimate?

Or how about this scenario? Obama intentionally held back his birth certificate in order to create this mess to distract the country from his double dealing attempts to by-pass the Constitution, and so he could make the Republicans look like fools by pulling it out at the last minute before the 2012 elections, thereby ensuring his reelection.

Unfortunately for the president, Trump trumped him by sending investigators to Hawaii to find out the truth, forcing him to divulge the information too soon.

Maybe, it's a little bit of both. Maybe Trump needs to continue his investigation.


  1. You birthers get over it. The President is an American citizen and has the document to prove it. Stop acting like spoiled children and grow up. He's our president, if you can't stand behind him, why don't you leave the country.

  2. I'm sure you probably felt the same way when Bush was president, eh dangerboy? Your the one that needs to wake up. If this birth certificate is for real why did he wait so long to show it when half the country is asking about it? This is a shady, deceitful deal and this president cannot be trusted.

  3. It's interesting how often liberals pull the "he's your president, you need to support him" argument when a Democrat is in office, but how seldom they support a president when he is a Republican. I wrote a letter to the editor in a local paper about Clinton in 1994. Some feeble brained coward without the decency of giving me his name looked up my phone number and cussed me out when I answered. He told me if I couldn't support the president to leave the country. Then he hung up. Yeah, that was a real intelligent reply to my letter.

  4. I believe most countries in the world consider a child born within their borders to be a citizen of whatever country the father is a citizen of. That appears to have been the case in the US until the Civil Rights movement started. Since then a misinterpretation and misapplication of the 14th Amendment has led to the idea of automatic citizenship. That interpretation actually came in vogue after Obama was born. In reality, he should be considered born a Kenyan citizen.

  5. Yeah, and interestingly enough, just about everybody in Kenya believes he was actually born in Kenya. I've been there, seen the articles in the papers and books, and talked to the people. The best thing that can be said about this president is that he is a fraud and a liar. That should tell the country something!

  6. The reason conservatives and birthers don't leave the country is because it is our country. We believe in the rule of law as established by the Constitution. What's happening in America is a complete disregard for the Constitution and the law. There is an attempted revolution going on trying to turn us into a socialist dictatorship. But we're not going to let it happen. If you don't like the American way of life, that is liberty, the right to vote, the rule of law, you are the one who needs to leave.

  7. And living in Kenya I can verify what Grunt has said about what Kenyan's believe about BHO.

  8. Your ? of why only now is he releasing this info shows how fishy this is; if he had nothing to hide, why spend so much money to keep his records private. . .which he has no business keeping private anyway. He's the president of the US--he should be open and above board with his papers and where he came from. I personally still don't believe he was born in Hawaii--as my mama always said, "paper will 'lie' still for anything." sp
