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Friday, June 17, 2011

Common Sense

By the end of 1775 the American colonies were in a tentative war with the mother country, Great Britain. It had begun with protests against unfair, debilitating taxes levied against the colonists to pay for the king's European wars, but grew as British troops, ostensibly occupying the colonies to provide security for the colonists, took over their homes and attempted to confiscate their weapons, denying them the means of personal safety. In April "embattled farmers," the Minutemen, took up arms and faced off with the most powerful army in the world at Lexington and Concord.

Colonial militiamen came from all over New England and fortified Breed's Hill in Charles Town, across the channel from Boston. As they gathered, the Continental Congress realized they needed an organizational structure and on June 14, established the Continental Army. The next day George Washington was appointed Commander-in-Chief, but before he could take command, the British attacked on June 17, and at great cost drove the colonists back in what became known as the Battle of Bunker Hill.

The British garrison was too decimated to carry the fight back into the interior, but the growing colonial army was untrained and poorly equipped, and the situation turned into a stalemate. A siege developed around Boston. While the Crown dallied, hiring Hessian mercenaries to fight the war for them, the colonists hadn't decided yet whether or not this was a struggle just for rights or for the whole pie, independence.

Into the mix came a disgruntled English philosopher by the name of Thomas Paine. He was also fed up with the tyranny of George III. Fearing, however, that he could be accused of treason, he published anonymously on January 10, 1776, a pamphlet encouraging the colonists to move for independence.

Common Sense became one of the most influential documents of the revolutionary period. The result was rational people thinking sensibly and counting the cost, pledging their lives, fortunes, and "sacred honor" to fight for independence. It was simply common sense.

One has to wonder what has happened to common sense in America today. Where is the sacred honor? The lunacy of an out-of-control government spending itself into oblivion is a far cry from the Patriots who sacrificed to build this nation. Liberal political elitists and arrogant, left-wing media view themselves as the intelligentsia and all the rest of us as stupid. But who is really suffering from a shortage of gray matter?

For example:

If Sarah Palin is so irrelevant, why does the MSM spend so much time trying to destroy her? Their failure has made her exceptionally relevant.

If lying to the public, lying to the press, and lying to Congress about sexting is enough to make Congressman Anthony Weiner resign, why was lying to the public, lying to the press, and lying to Congress about a sexual affair in the White House not enough to require President Clinton to resign?

Or, since it was just sex and character didn't matter then, why does it matter now?

If God doesn't exist, why does the ACLU and other atheist organizations waste so much time trying to prove the non-existence of nothing?

Since liberals generally support the ACLU and their godless philosophy, why do they ever end their speeches saying, "God bless America?"

Since socialism has never worked anywhere in the world where it has been tried, why does the left keep trying to force it on us?

Since Keynesian economics (high taxes and deficit spending) always leads to recession, and Reagonomics always leads to recovery, why do leftists keep insisting Keynesian economics is the way to prosperity?

If we are sitting on the highest oil reserves in the entire world, why are we still depending on OPEC and its intentionally inflated prices designed to ruin our economy, when we have the ability to become totally energy independent?

Since energy independence is the sole purpose of the Department of Energy's existence, and since we are more dependent on foreign oil now than when it was created, why do we still have a Department of Energy?

Since it takes more gasoline to produce ethanol than the amount of ethanol actually produced, why are we wasting billions subsidizing a program that wastes oil and corn as well, and drives the price of gasoline higher?

Two years after the 800 billion dollar stimulus package to rescue the economy was passed we have a net loss of 3 million jobs and an unemployment rate of 9.1%, so why would anybody in his right mind want to pass another stimulus bill?

By 2003 the Great Society had spent 7 trillion dollars fighting poverty. At the same the national debt reached 7 trillion dollars. Does anybody see a connection here?

If homosexuality is a genetic disorder (unproven by science), why do many homosexuals become heterosexual, or why are there bi-sexuals?

Why is it hate speech if you are pro-life, but not if you send death threats to Wisconsin governor Scott Walker?

The Nazis practiced infanticide, genocide, and euthanasia, and used mob rule to bully their way into power, yet the left continually compares the pro-life movement and conservatives with Nazis. If it is the left that is unapologetically pro-abortion and pro-genocide (Terry Schiavo) and resorts to mob rule whenever the cry-babies don't get there way (Wisconsin), who are the real Nazis here?

Every time there is a contested election, stuffed ballot boxes, dead voters, hanging chads and missing ballots found in car trunks, all turn out to be Democrat votes. Can we see a pattern here? Who really tries to steal elections?

If Islam is a religion of peace, why are 99% of the terrorists in the world Muslim?

If 99% of the world's suicide bombers are Muslim men between the ages of 18 and 35, why does Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano see no need to profile them?

Since the Arizona border with Mexico has become a war zone and Americans are dying, why did the media not challenge Obama when he said the border was secured?

What part of "illegal alien" do liberals not understand?

Why should 12 million illegal criminal aliens be given amnesty when my non-criminal sister-in-law had to wait twelve years to immigrate legally to the States?

Does changing the term to "undocumented immigrants" make illegal aliens any less illegal?

Does changing the term "global warming" to "climate change" make this phony scientific scam any less phony?

Since raising corporate taxes kills job growth, and raising personal income taxes kills retail sales and slows down economic growth, why do politicians still say the answer is to raise taxes?

Why is it that tolerance is only required of those with Christian values, but the ungodly are not required to be tolerant of Christian beliefs?

Why is the misinterpreted non-constitutional phrase "separation of church and state" used to throw Christianity under the bus, but never applied to any other religion from Islam to Wicca?

This is only a sampling of the lunacy that comes at us from left wing intellectuals and their media lap dogs every day. They've got their PhD.'s, and their ungodly, socialist philosophies from their Ivy League schools. They've got their utopian ideas for a perfect world. They arrogantly view themselves as the saviors of mankind while they drive America to the brink of destruction.

In all of the liberal ego bloated brain cells with all of their assumed intellectual superiority there's not an ounce of common sense.


  1. Yesterday the very ridiculous Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee asked whether pro-life Christians were as dangerous as Muslim terrorists. It would be laughable except that it's not a joke. How did this woman every get elected in the first place? Oh, yeah, no common sense in her district either.

  2. How about "It's Bush's fault." When are people going to wake up to the fact that the House controls the purse? We've had 4 1/2 years of Dumocrat spending and the debt has doubled. The recession started with Dumocrat spending.

  3. The common argument against Ronald Reagan was the soaring deficit under his administration. They say that proves tax cuts and free enterprise don't work. They conveniently forget that the Democrats controlled Congress most of Reagan's administration, the House for all of it, and while revenues doubled after the tax cuts, proving that Reaganomics does work, Congress tripled its spending. You can't balance the budget or reduce the debt by deficit spending.

  4. Why would anyone want the government to take more money out of their pocket through taxes? It makes no sense unless they are thinking the government is going to give it back to them. The problem is most of it gets lost in bureaucracies and wasted, and the promised benefits are never realized except for welfare recipients who don't pay any taxes anyway. The entitlement mentality is destroying not only the economy but the moral fiber of our nation.

  5. Has anyone ever stopped to figure this out? We have a 14 trillion dollar debt. There are 300 million Americans. Do the math; it comes to around 46,000 dollars for every man, woman, and child, almost double that if you limit it to age 20 and above. If the government had saved all that money they could give it away and everybody would have enough for a down payment on a house, or in the case of families to buy a house outright with no loan. Think that might solve the housing crisis? How short sighted and blind our government has been and continues to be.

  6. This is so good, and worth your time to read it. There's a lot of things that just don't make sense.
    Thanks, Lance. You're a great writer.
