When candidate Obama was asked by Pastor Rick Warren when he thought life began he smugly tried to diffuse the question by saying that the answer was "above his pay grade." He gave no one on the pro-life side any comfort. Instead he showed himself to be mealy-mouthed and unwilling to publicly take a position on one of the primary issues of our day.
Everyone paying attention knew that it was a dodge. His pro-abortion voting record, to include killing babies that survive botched abortions, proved that he had already decided about life regardless of his pay grade. It should have been a wake up call to everyone else.
Obama's promise that his health care plan would not cover abortions was likewise unconvincing. Neither did it help to ease conservative fears when Queen Pelosi rushed the bill through for a vote insisting that it had to be passed before it could be read. Conservative fears were realized, as we all knew they would be. Not only will obamacare cover abortions, we now know it requires health insurance providers, including religious organizations that provide health care to their employees, to include free contraceptives and abortifacients such as the "morning after" pill.
When Catholic church leaders began to object, Queen Pelosi complained that they had too much conscience. When the Catholics said it violated church teaching, Health and Human Services appointed dictator Sibelius gave them one year to get their act together and comply. When the Church said they would refuse, Obama came up with a semantic compromise that compromises nothing in obamacare.
The first objections to obamacare were that the government had no power to mandate compliance to anything. This is a government of the people, not the other way around. But this debate has grown beyond health care. It is now an issue of religious freedom. Dictating to a church what it must do is a violation of the First Amendment. It makes no difference how the left defends it, this is religious persecution.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The Founders guaranteed the freedom of religion first because they knew there could be no other rights without it. If you're not free to worship or practice your religion without government interference you're not free to speak, or to assemble, or to redress Congress. The denial of this first and most basic of all our rights is what the left is trying to do, all the while denying that it's what they're up to.
Who do these people think they are that they can overthrow the Constitution to impose their atheist, socialist agenda on the people? Pelosi calls herself a devout Catholic, but criticizes Catholics for having a conscience. Isn't that part of what religion is about? Having a conscience directed by God to tell you what is right and wrong? I'd hate to be standing in her shoes at the judgment trying to explain to the Almighty why she had no conscience.
Sibelius, a failed Kansas governor, is a bureaucrat who believes her appointment gives her the right to impose her anti-Christian personal agenda on the country without regard to the Constitution. Her actions are illegal.
But then, they're only following the lead of their messiah who sits in the White House. Obama is the first anti-American president we've ever had. He is also the worst president we've ever had. Every policy he's rammed through Congress, with the help of mindless Democrat lackeys hoping to feed their greed at the government trough, has been a usurpation of constitutional powers designed to overthrow the country our forefathers built for us.
This is the most dangerous administration America has ever had, and the coming election will be the most critical event in our nation's history. If Obama is re-elected we will cease to be a free people, and the first freedom we will lose will be the one already under attack, the freedom of religion.
Before Baptists and Protestants shy away from this battle, we should consider that this health care mandate is not just a Catholic issue. If Obama can tell the largest denomination in America how they will run their health insurance, it won't be long until he will tell them what they can believe or teach. (He's already restricting what military chaplains can say.) And if he gets away with that, it won't be long until he dictates what every other denomination can believe or teach as well.
This is the destruction from within that Benjamin Franklin so perceptively warned us about. If we the people don't send Obama home we will no longer be a free nation with a government of the people. Instead we will follow the yellow brick road paved with broken promises to third-world socialist poverty and government controlled religion.
Well said Lance. I agree 1000%, but my greatest concern is how to convince those people who still believe in and support obama.
ReplyDeleteLance, this is a good article.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteVery well said, Lance. It appears to me that many "good" people are still blinded to the truth of this man's plan to destroy America. He is a liar and a murderer with the blood of millions of innocent babies on his hands. He does all of this with the smile of the Master Deceiver who enables him to perform his wicked deeds!
ReplyDeleteThat's a good article. I hope more people wake up.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Lance.