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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Let's Blame the Guns

The bodies of the innocents in Newtown weren't even cold before the leftist ideologues were crying for more gun control. The president said we can't go on like this. Yesterday brain dead Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill tried to throw a guilt trip at the NRA. Even Bill O'Reily said last night there is no need for "assault weapons." China is now calling for the disarming of all Americans. Oh boy would they like that.

How about handling your own weapons problem; three multiple murder knife attacks in public schools in the last month. Mind your own communist human rights violating business first before you start sticking your hypocritical mouths into our affairs. Hey, O'Reily, the so-called assault weapons are not automatic military weapons. They may look military, but they operate like any other hunting rifle. So why stop there? If you want to ban single shot semi-automatic weapons, why not ban all of them? Why be a hypocrite about it?

Hey, Claire. Get your head out of the stinking sand and face reality. The NRA didn't do this, neither did it create an atmosphere for it. The lunatic involved, as those involved in all mass murders, was not a member of the NRA. Your hero Bill Clinton banned "assault rifles" in 1994. The two delinquent boys who shot up Columbine and murdered 12 in 1999 used "assault rifles." The ban didn't work! Gun control is dealing with symptoms not the cause. Now your false messiah, BHO, wanting to ban all guns, actually said something intelligent, although he doesn't even know it. We can't go on like this, he said.

He's right. We can't go on denying scriptural truths like Thou shalt not kill, and prohibiting these truths from being taught in public schools, and then making appeals for Bibles to give to murderers in prison. You want to change the atmosphere, start changing it when they start school, not when they've wasted their lives thanks to a godless culture teaching them they are only animals on the top of the evolutionary chain. How can leftists expect anyone to think they give any serious thought about life when they are silent and approving of nearly 4,000 abortions that go on every day in America? Hypocrites all. The lowest, most vile of all hypocrites.

Did anyone see the statement by liberal Hollywood star Samuel Jackson? He said it's not about the guns, it's "about people who aren't taught the value of life." I was amazed at that coming from him, but he is absolutely right. This is a cultural problem. We have a culture that is failing to value life. Wake up Barack. Wake up Claire. Wake up Alan Colmes. Wake up Juan Williams. Wake up Planned Parenthood. Wake up Harry the rat Reed. Wake up liberals. The answer is not banning guns, it's changing the culture, and that will only happen when people learn the truth of God's Word and turn their hearts to Christ.

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