AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


The grunions are running. Or so we're told. Grunions are little fish that come up on the beach at night and lay their eggs in the sand. They were scheduled to be there at 9:30 to 11:30 last night, and 11:30 to 1am tonight. I guess some experts figure it out based on the full moon and its position in the sky and past history. Apparently last night the grunions forgot to set their watches. We were out there on the beach watching the breakers roll in on six to eight foot high waves. The water was cold and we were starting to shiver when we finally gave up. By 11:30 we hadn't seen one grunion. But it was so much fun we decided to try it again tonight. Maybe they'll show up at 9:30 instead of 1 am.

Well, there are so many things are happening in the scandal ridden Obama administration that it's hard to keep up. A lot of it is frustrating. The collapsing Obamacare, the signature legislation of the Obama legacy, is so unpopular, as well as a disaster waiting to happen, that even the president is trying to delay parts of its implementation. Well over 60% of the people want it repealed, several states have voted not to allow the exchanges to set up in their states, or are refusing to fund the exchanges, the major unions that helped Obama win election are now against it, and the president keeps getting up and blaming Republicans for being against what the American people want and need. I don't believe there has ever been a president less in tune to the wants and needs of the people, or more enslaved to special interest groups than this one.

Just today the administration said defense spending robs other federal programs of needed funds. Remember the sequester? It gutted defense spending. I'd say the reason for the shortfall is too many federal programs wasting too much borrowed money and accomplishing nothing of real economic value. Certain federal employees are now being furloughed due to the sequester. White House tours had to be suspended, Marines in Afghanistan could no longer have hot lunches, the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds have suspended their air shows, the military was not allowed to have July 4th celebrations, and school lunch programs are suffering all due to the sequester according to Obama. Of course, the shortfall didn't stop Obama from spending 100 million dollars on a family vacation to Africa. I wonder how many Marine hot lunches and school lunches 100 million dollars could provide? Remember when Obama said we needed to tighten our belts and inflate our tires to save money? I suppose he's never heard that the best leadership is leadership by example. Most tyrants are unaware of that. That's why so many of them get overthrown.

Obama said when campaigning in 2007 that he would heal the racial divide in the country. He then began to play the race card trying to goad Americans into voting for him to prove we aren't racist. We proved it, but it wasn't enough. There hasn't been a more racially divisive political figure in America since John C. Calhoun and Roger B. Taney before the Civil War. (If you don't know who they are a review of American history is in order.) The Trayvon Martin case proves the point. Obama praises a 17 year old thug who has been arrested twice and had marijuana in his system when he attacked George Zimmerman, but completely ignores drug-free heroes who have given their lives in Afghanistan for the country.

Although he claims to have created 6 million jobs since coming into office, more people are out of work today than when Obama started. Something is wrong with this picture. It is anything but indicative of a strong recovering economy, but to hear the president talk you would think Americans were enjoying the best days of their lives economically. Just like everything else he tries to sell, the economy he's talking about is the utopia in the socialist mind that has never existed and never will exist. He and Janet Napolitano both are insisting that the border with Mexico is as secure as it has ever been. Only in the fantasy world that they live in.

The Obama foreign policy is an abject failure. Half the Middle East is in flames, North Korea is more belligerent than ever, Al Qaeda is stronger than it's been in years regardless of his campaign speeches, and his influence is so weak that when he asks the Russians to extradite our traitor, Edward Snowden, Putin practically laughs in his face and offers the guy asylum.

And of course there is Benghazi, still unaccounted for nearly eleven months after the attacks that killed the ambassador and three other Americans. But what difference does that make as long as Hilary has resigned so she can distance herself from her own failure as well as the administration's, and run on a clean record in 2016.

So where is Obama now when there is work to do? At Martha's Vineyard, taking another vacation. Just like the grunions last night, he's not where he needs to be or doing what he should be doing when he is needed. But then, what does it really matter? According to the economically astute Barbara Streisand, Obama has been more fiscally conservative than any president in history except for Bill Clinton. You just can't argue with genius like that. Maybe Babs can tell us when the Grunions are going to show up tonight.

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