Robert Gibbs was the White House Press Secretary for the first two years of the Obama administration. He was inept, tongue-tied, often unknowledgeable of the events he was being questioned about, and helped promote the image of obfuscation rather than transparency in the Obama White House. I've often wondered if he was removed for poor performance, or if he had just had enough of trying to cover for the Obama lies and couldn't take it anymore.
He was followed by Jay Carney, who held the job for nearly five years. Carney took the skill of lying through his teeth to new levels. How he could sleep at night is a mystery to any honest person. Carney continued to spew the Obama spin until the day he left the position. Border security, the success of obamacare, a video that caused Benghazi, there was no limit to his adroitness in weaving the administration's story, and he stuck with his comments, even when the press corps laughed at his answers.
Apparently Carney had enough, and now we have Josh Earnest. Earnest wasted no time in proving his own ability to muddy the waters with circumlocutory rhetoric. In answer to a question by Fox News's Ed Henry about the president being a bystander in the midst of all the crises going on he said:
I think that there have been a number of situations in which you’ve seen this administration intervene in a meaningful way that has substantially furthered American interests and substantially improved the tranquility of the global community.
Right. That comment belongs in the spin Hall of Fame. Where in the world is there any tranquility right now?
Benghazi still unanswered and Libya more unstable than ever.
Egypt still in turmoil.
An invasion of illegal immigrants, drug dealers, thieves, and terrorists over the Mexican border, as well as Mexican army helicopters invading U.S. airspace, and soldiers firing on American border agents.
An American Marine unjustly held in a Mexican jail.
Civil war in Syria.
Iraq falling to Isis.
Afghanistan becoming more unstable as U.S. troops prepare to leave.
Iran thumbing its nose at the U.S. while it continues to develop nuclear power.
Russian invasion and theft of the Crimea.
A civil war backed by Russia erupting in Ukraine.
A belligerent Vladimir Putin continually challenging U.S. resolve.
Hamas rocket attacks on Israel and an Israeli invasion of the Gaza strip.
And now a Malaysian 777 airliner shot down with a Russian missile in the eastern Ukraine with possibly twenty-three Americans on board.
The world is falling apart, Americans are being murdered, and Obama, apparently unconcerned, tells jokes and then goes to eat a cheeseburger for another photo op (the one's he's not interested in) before going to another fund raiser. Business as usual, nothing serious enough to demand his time, everything lovely in the Obama utopia.
No doubt in his little mind more concerned with spinning his socialist or Muslim agenda, the world is a tranquil place. The reality is there has never been a president more out of touch with the plight of not only his own country, but the whole world. No president has been more disengaged and inactive in the face of crises since James Buchanan right before the U.S. Civil War.
And Josh Earnest? Another small-minded Obama worshipper. How can he ever do better than the delusional statement he just made? It will be interesting to see if he will be so lacking in character and personal integrity as to keep his job for the next two and half years.
Once again, the nail on the head ..Oh, and don't forget all the golf games and traveling! - RP