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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Let's Take America Back

Speaking to a crowd of union members at the old Tiger Stadium in Detroit on Labor Day, Vice President Joe "the Plagiarizer" Biden said, "It's time to take America back."

I'd like to know from whom? Or from what? This is the same thing the Democrats were saying in 2008 when Obama was running for president. Led by Michael Moore it became almost a leftist chant. "We want our country back," they shouted.

In 2008 the question was the same. From whom? Or from what? The leftist anti-God, gay-loving, abortion worshipping America the Democrats were clamoring for then had never existed. Leftist morality, or should I say immorality, and godless values had been slowly strangling America since at least the 1960s when God was thrown out of our public schools and government institutions. Abortion, which has always been an abomination to anyone with a conscience and love of humanity, suddenly became a woman's right to choose in 1973, and since then nothing has been the same. Jimmy Carter gave us big government and feckless leadership, and after a revival of real American values in the 1980s, Bill Clinton gave us a playboy nonchalant skepticism for anything truthful or righteous. W started out well, but after six years of an unending strategy in the War on Terror that refused to recognize Islam as the enemy, and his unwillingness to control the national debt resulting in even bigger government, there was a resurgence of the Democrat Party in 2006 leading to the election of Obama in 2008.

Now we have feckless disdain for the Constitution, as well as America, sitting in the White House. We have a president with a weak-kneed inability to make command decisions, combined with an arrogant, deliberate disregard for the truth, absolutely devoid of any character, probity or righteousness. We have a bigger government than ever, and a national debt that is spiraling out of control to heights we never even dreamed of. We have surrendered our morality to a homosexual agenda seeking to destroy marriage and the family, we have a gun control lobby that argues that even if we save one life it is worth it, while the same people push for government paid abortions on demand to the tune of 4,000 a day, without regard for the lives of mothers lost or damaged from botched abortions (which are not minimal), not to mention the babies slaughtered. In Obama we have Carter, Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Jesse Jackson all wrapped up in one package.

Moore and the leftists didn't take their country back, they stole it from true patriotic Americans and remade it into a new one. We are no longer the country our Founding Fathers created or envisioned.

So the question is, what America is Biden talking about? Is this an admission that Obama's radical left wing American destroying polices are wrong? Is he unhappy with the moral sewer Obama has taken us into? Is he unhappy with the disrespect and disregard we are given by Putin, North Korea, Iran, and just about everybody else in the world? Is he saying we need to take America back to where it was before Obama? Is that W's America? Reagan's America? How about Clinton's America?

At least Clinton had the sense to get before the public and apologize for his failures. Obama blames Bush. Is Biden tired of playing second fiddle to the Nero in the White House?

It is time to take America back alright. Back to the principles and vision of the Founding Fathers and lawful government under the Constitution. Back to the God of our Fathers.

Democrats tend to ridicule and mock anyone espousing the Founders' vision as unprogressive and going back to a primitive time where women were chattel and abortions were performed in back alleys. Neither of these are true, and no true conservative wants to take away the gains women, or minorities, have made that are constitutionally lawful, such as voting and equal opportunity. But a women's right to choose abortion and homosexual marriage are not constitutional rights. Neither is it progressive to continue a political, economic, social or military agenda that is driving America to the ash heap of nations.

"We all want progress," C.S. Lewis wrote, "but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive."

So is this what Biden is talking about? Or was his meaning a little more focused like getting back to the days when corrupt union bosses controlled labor? Or is this just another of his monumental gaffes, like the paper he plagiarized to get his college degree?

Maybe it's time conservatives started clamoring, "Let's take America back." The November elections are a good place to start.


  1. You are right on. Biden just talks to hear himself talk and he says things that he thinks sounds good and profound but he doesn't know what it means himself.

  2. As far as I'm concerned, the powers to be, (Satan's Children) can have the place. This is not my final home nor has it ever been. My ultimate destination is with my Creator God, the Lord Jesus. Don't misunderstand the fact that I am very grateful to Him allowing me to be born here and to reap the many earthly benefits that He provided with the creation of America. I was always so called patriotic to this temporary land and even swore allegiance when I volunteered for my military duty. I have always tried to be a law abiding citizen and did the necessary things to accomplish it even more so after Christ saved me. My total allegiance and duty as a child of the King is to live for Him and try to influence family and friends that I come in contact with to come to know Him also and be able to reap the future promised rewards.

  3. You are right. Well done!

  4. Praying for a turn around and yes, a revival.
    Good writing.
