AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Public Education

I just got an email from Missouri Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill asking my opinion on what Congress should do to fix elementary and secondary education. Here's my answer:

Keep Congress out of it. Everything you've tried from Goals 2000, to No Child Left Behind, to Common Core has been a disaster. Lowering SAT standards doesn't make children more intelligent. The Department of Education is nothing but a union that cares nothing about education and everything about tenure. It's a left-wing anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, propaganda mill, and it needs to be shut down.

Children need to learn the truth about our history; Thanksgiving was about thanking God not the Indians; the Founding Fathers were primarily Christians; God was in all of their correspondence and documents; students should be allowed to read what the Founders wrote; all fifty state Constitutions mention something about God and/or the Christian faith, students should be aware of that. Christianity shouldn't be forced on anybody, but an honest reading of our history should not be denied. Children need to learn how to read. Public education has failed to do the job. Children need to learn math the old-fashioned way, not by the Common Core obfuscation of simple methods.

The best thing Congress can do is give parents vouchers to put their kids in the schools they want them in. Parents have a better idea of the kind of education their children need than out of touch bureaucrats in Washington.


  1. Very well-stated!! I hope she actually reads it to the end and takes it to heart.

  2. Way to go, they are not smart enough to discuss the Education process.

  3. You certainly tell it like it is. Too bad she won't take note of what the public really things.
