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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Second Republican Debate

After the pitifully poor debates in 2012, the Republican debates this time have been refreshingly lively and constructive. And unbelievably, I think the CNN debate tonight was moderated better than the Fox News debate last month. The questions were rattled off quickly and the candidates were able to banter back and forth on the issues.

The down side was the moderators kept trying to engineer attacks between the candidates, usually involving Trump, but mostly the candidates didn't take the bait. There were some lively arguments between Trump and Carly Fiorina, Trump and Bush, Trump and Paul, and some spats between others, but when the debate stalled on Trump and Fiorina's wealth and business success, Chris Christie brought it back in order by saying the debate needed to concentrate on what they were going to do for the middle class and the economy.

Bush had a lot more energy and made a joke about himself and the energizer rabbit which was well received, and Marco Rubio was on fire about foreign policy. Fiorina and Scott Walker also tried to keep the debate on track by attacking Hillary and Obama, but the high point of the evening may have been when Fiorina made an impassioned to defund Planned Parenthood. It received a largest applause of the evening. Huckabee also spoke against Planned Parenthood. Ted Cruz was once again solid, although I don't think his performance was as good as in the first debate. Kasich had the best argument for himself and the economy since he engineered the balanced budget during the Clinton administration. In the end all of them showed themselves to be worthy debaters with strong positions, and most of them probably helped themselves to some degree.

The winner was most likely Carly Fiorina who showed herself to be tough and focused. Her downside may have been that she was too stern, and when she stood up to Trump on his comment about her looks and he gave what would be the closest thing to a Trump apology that anyone could hope for, she refused to look at him or be magnanimous in the least. She looked angry most of the night. She probably also won the sympathy vote when the discussion came to drugs and she told of her son who had died of a drug overdose. Two others who really shined were Christie and Rubio.

The losers ironically I think were the two that are on top of the polls. Trump's self-confidence will probably still take him a long way but his brash, condescension towards other candidates is starting to wear thin. He keeps talking about putting together a plan, but we've yet to hear very much of it, and people are going to grow tired of that eventually. The same is true for Ben Carson in the opposite direction. Yes he's intelligent, and yes he's humble, and yes he's got the right position on about all the issues, but his soft spoken manner is also getting tiring, and I think people are going to want him to speak up and get a little more animated or he isn't going to go far. Rand Paul did better than the last debate but I don't think he made many points.

Scott Walker, although he had good presence and solid answers, and won a dust up with Trump when he said we don't need another apprentice in the White House, was given the least amount of time to talk which couldn't have helped him, although that wouldn't be his fault. It makes you wonder if he's the one the left fears the most.


  1. I agree...
    This debate was better...
    Maybe FOX will pick up on there game...

  2. Very well said, Lance and i agree. I was glad they didn't beat each other up.

  3. I wish Huckabee would have had more of an opportunity to speak. What he did get to say was good. The only way he could speak more was to interrupt like others had to do. I think they could have balanced the questioning more and had less diologue with Donald Trump. I do believe it showed more of what Trump is really like though. Really like Rubio and Carly Florina.

  4. Very well stated. I agree. This morning the news channels are calling Carly the winner.
    Perhaps so, but I wouldn't vote for her.

    1. I wouldn't either. She's for birthright citizenship and has the 14th Amendment argument wrong. And for all her offense at Trump's comment on her face she also called Pelosi ugly once, so she's guilty of the same thing. I actually believe Trump's explanation. It's like when Robert F. Kennedy told Jimmy Hoffa, "You're going to jail, and this is the face that's going to put you there." Trump was just saying whose face would you rather see negotiating with Putin or whoever, and most people probably would agree that you don't want a pretty, soft face, no matter if she is tough as nails, when you could have a gruff, hard-core face that will stare you down without a hint of self-doubt.

    2. You're giving Trump more of the benefit of the doubt than I do. I see him as a foul-mouthed chauvinist who doesn't even realize when he's insulting women. Surely he will not make it to the general election ballot.

    3. You mean concerning Carly Fiorina? Maybe you're right. I think the Trump phenomena boils around his Teddy Roosevelt bully on American exceptionalism and that's resonating with people right now. Can he follow through is the question. The rah-rah cheerleader attitude won't last without substance and insulting and trying to bully everybody else will eventually lose momentum I think.

      I'm watching the news here this morning and Trump is touting several polls that show him winning the debate by large numbers, but I think he exposed himself last night with false accusations about Walker's success in Wisconsin and apparently lying about his attempt to get gambling in Florida. He has no fear of getting his facts wrong and insulting people, but my biggest concern if he were to win is that he has no fear of God. He might restore America's strength, but if he has no moral foundation what will his ultimate position be on religious liberty or gay marriage. For that matter, will he change on abortion again?

      I think he's good for the debates right now, but I don't think it will last.

  5. Lance, I was so worn out by the time it was over! 3 hours of it was just too much! I do agree with you though except for one thing. I was furious that Trump was involved in almost every question for the first 46 minutes and Huckabee wasn't even talked to until the 47th minute. I agree that he got the largest applause too! I also thought Christie did a great job even though I don't like him. I think Rand Paul needs to pull out. He's hopeless! Glad you got to watch it!

    1. I actually missed the first 20 minutes so I didn't catch on to how much time Trump was getting at the beginning. It's a shame because not only Huckabee, but Ted Cruz and especially Scott Walker all got very little time in comparison. I thought the candidates did quite well trying to stay on message although there were a number of scuffles. I think if Christie had been in the race in 2012 talking the way he did tonight he might have had a chance to win then, but he's way too far behind right now, but who knows? I agree Rand Paul is going nowhere and his Libertarian policy is too disengaged on a world scene to give him a strong following among conservatives.

  6. No debate should last 3 hours - even the 10 hated it that long- we need to eliminate 2 every night similar to the voice - then we would see some fireworks -
