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Monday, October 12, 2015

Cold War 2

I make no claim to being a prophet but I published a comment July 6, 2009 about Obama's sniveling to then Russian president Medvedev and said, "My guess is they've just restarted the Cold War." Here's the comment:

I've been listening to the speeches Medvedev and BHO have been making after signing another "historic" agreement. What they've agreed to do is to work out a new nuclear arms treaty for our mutual protection, and to have better relations in the future.

This kow-towing Jimmy Carteresque president is back to bowing down to Russia and signing away our security with nuclear arms reductions, and sitting by while Putin lectures him on Russian-American relations. Then when questioned by Fox News' Major Garret, the first interview he's given to a Fox News reporter, he explained his statement about the Cold War being won by many nations by saying the Poles under Lech Walesa and the Czechs under Vaclav Havel had a part to do in it as well.

The truth is those protest movements only succeeded because Ronald Reagan challenged the USSR and gave the protesters moral support. Without it they would never have succeeded, and those movements would have come to nothing. Yes they were small cogs that helped to bring down the Warsaw Pact, and the Berlin Wall was a part of that, but they only succeeded because the Soviets pulled their troops out of Eastern Europe, and that was the result of no one else's efforts but the USA.

Obama doesn't understand history or foreign relations and he's making us extremely vulnerable. My guess is they've just restarted the Cold War.

In the six years since then Obama has retreated from the Middle East, backed down from an ascendant Russia's invasion of the Crimea and Ukraine, backed down from China's threats in the South China Sea, allowed Assad of Syria to cross his red lines with no retaliation, backed Muslim Brotherhood uprisings all over North Africa and Yemen which have all but destroyed any opportunity for freedom or democracy in the region, refused to help U.S. Ambassador Chris Stephens and three others while they were killed by terrorists in Libya and blamed it on an unknown anti-Muslim video, allowed the "JV" ISIS to rise to super terrorist status making no response while they brutally behead Christians, and given away the whole store to Iran in nuclear negotiations which were nothing less than a full scale surrender.

And now, after six years of Obama wimpiness, Russia has moved into Syria and a Russian general marched into the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and with utter disdain told us to stop flying over Syria. Obama's withdrawal of American influence from the world stage has left a void for the revived evil empire of Vladimir Putin to fill, and he's filling it.

So was I right? Is this Cold War 2 starting? Am I a prophet??? I made another prediction back in early 2012. I wrote that if Obama gets reelected, and if he gets away with dismantling our military and perverting our entire culture (which he is getting away with), that he would manufacture some kind of crisis in order to declare Martial Law and retain power. In that case his overthrow of America would be complete. So what do you think? A year from now will I be two-for-two?

I hope not.


  1. Right on! Interesting to see how things have developed and also scary. But it is

  2. I hate to say it, but you are right. I also believed that Obama would create some crisis whereby he would declare martial law. That threat is why one of my sons got out of the guard after serving 13 years. Louise
