I've seen comments from a lot of people wondering about whether we should even bother celebrating July 4th this year. The country under the muslim wannabe tyrant obama has morally declined in the last seven years faster than we could ever have imagined and we are sitting on a slimy slope about to slide off into blazes. We hear liberals piously or sacrilegiously intone, "God bless America," and we hear the song, God Bless the USA, but you have to wonder what is there left for God to bless?
Many people are discouraged, and rightfully so, about the direction of our country. It's even more discouraging when the Republican Party is so divided it can't come together behind a single candidate to oppose the Democrat road to destruction. (By the way, don't think it would be any different if Cruz were ahead. The RINOs are more inclined to hillary's politics than conservative.) So, do we, or should we, honor such a nation as this?
Well I'll tell ya Pilgrim, I got up this morning with a prayer for the land I love and my two favorite versions of the National Anthem, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the 1991 Whitney Houston at the Super Bowl, and followed them with the great American Patriot, John Wayne, in The Searchers, my all time favorite movie. I wish more than ever I could be home to celebrate this year, but Lord willing we will be there next time.
Obviously my answer is an astounding yes. We aren't celebrating king obama the maleficent, or the moral abyss the country is turning into. July 4th is a celebration of the Declaration of Independence, of our Founding Fathers, of those who have given the last full measure of devotion in creating and maintaining for us a free country. And if we are to have any hope for the future we need to excite and energize Christians and conservatives to stay involved, don't give up the fight, and hang on a little bit longer.
Franklin Graham is half way through a 50 state tour holding prayer meetings on the steps of every state capitol. Over 300,000 people have come to those meetings to pray for America. What if 3 million people in our churches, or 30 million people would bow the knee, turn from wicked ways, and seek God's face? Would the Lord answer and heal our land? God is our only hope.
Oh thus be it ever when free men shall stand
between their loved homes and the war's desolation.
Blessed with victory and peace may the heaven rescued land
praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must when our cause it is just,
and this be our motto In God Is Our Trust.
Happy Fourth of July
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