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Friday, March 3, 2017

A Biblical Principle for Voting for Trump?


I wrote the following awhile ago but then found out I had made a serious error. Some have already seen it and commented but I don't want it to look like I'm smearing someone so I'm deleting the original and reposting with error corrected. My point remains the same. If you didn't see the original don't worry about it. (I hate to admit I made a mistake!)

Well, I finally got an answer to my question about the biblical principle for not voting for Trump. Constitution Party candidate Darrell Castle says the Bible prohibits a Christian from voting for Trump as the lesser of two evils because Romans 3:8 says it is wrong to do evil in order to achieve good.

The problem with the argument is that voting itself is not an evil act, neither is voting for a candidate to prevent an opposing candidate from completely destroying the country and our religious freedoms an intent to do evil. Evil is widely defined by Webster as being bad, wrong, immoral, wicked, depraved, reprobate and more, but also something that brings sorrow, trouble or destruction. The Bible views evil in Psalm 51:4 as anything that contradicts the holy nature of God.
Castle holds many acceptable positions for Christians. He is a social conservative and favors traditional moral values. He is an evangelic Presbyterian and a strict Constitutional constructionist. There is a lot about him and his party to like, but I disagree with his theological view of politics.

There are of course some candidates that are better morally or spiritually than others, but all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and in God's sight if you've committed one sin you are as guilty as the one who has committed them all (James 2:10-11). Since God is no respecter of persons and in His sight all sin is equally evil a vote for Castle simply becomes a vote for the lesser of three evils. Now don't misinterpret me. I'm not excusing anyone's sin, but if Romans 3:8 prohibits a vote for Trump, it also then prohibits a vote for Castle.

This is the problem with trying to find the "perfect" biblical candidate. There are none. But the reason in a nation of 319 million people we are down to Trump and hillary as the only viable candidates in this election is because preachers have failed to oppose wickedness, pulpits have grown cold, and Christians have disengaged from the process. We need revival fires ignited in churches and we need Christians united against sin, but revival doesn't start with the president, it starts with the preacher.

We also need a view of the future politically and ecclesiastically that sees beyond November. We don't have the most desirable candidates running right now on any ticket, but of the two front runners, one is listening to Christians, the other is demanding we shut up. One is suggesting Christians unite as a political force, the other is demanding we reject the Bible. The one gives hope that we could save the country from national and spiritual suicide, the other will tighten the noose and prepare the way for the Antichrist.

Vote your heart, but don't give me any more false piety about not voting for the lesser of two evils. Considering the conservative nature of the Republican platform and the debauched, godless nature of the Democrat, any vote that would split the Republican Party and allow Hillary to win is a vote for the worst evil.

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