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Friday, March 3, 2017

Phony Outrage


Hey! Enough of this phony outrage by liberals who are shocked that such language as Trump used goes on in a locker room. What shells have they been living under? They aren't offended by rap singers or the gutter antics of Madonna or Miley Cyrus, or the R rated movies they watch, or the four letter words that hillary is known to use frequently in private.

What's worse is the Republican establishment, most of whom have probably said similar things in their lifetimes, is using this as an excuse to desert Trump because he's not one of them. They'll destroy their own party before they'll let an outsider who is not afraid of political correctness win.

What's worse still is conservatives who use it as an excuse to desert him, because he's not pristine. So in order to preserve their precious principles they are willing to give the country away to hillary who is against everything they stand for. Such principles don't mean much. People who should have a better handle on the big picture are as blind and as big of fools as the left that has sold its soul to the devil in obama and hillary.

I was for Ted Cruz at the beginning. Cruz isn't running anymore, but even he has overlooked insults to endorse Trump. Why? Because at this point if we don't unite behind Trump we are looking at the end of our constitutional republic.

The attacks against our First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and speech will accelerate until we lose them altogether under hillary. She has already told Christians we have to adjust our beliefs to align with political correctness. The same will be true of the Second Amendment and likely all of the Bill of Rights under hillary.

Trump's critics say he'll be a dictator. What do you think obama has tried to be and hillary will be even more of? Trump is surrounding himself with conservatives and tapping constitutionalists and outspoken Christians for his cabinet and Supreme Court choices and his VP and likely next Republican candidate is Mike Pence, the outstanding Christian governor of Indiana. Trump won't be a dictator.

Don't tell me he's a charlatan. There have been plenty of former Democrats who became Republicans when they saw how the Dems are destroying the country. Since this campaign began Trump has evolved, both in positions and demeanor. Even if he's not a Christian, he's solidifying his positions by consulting Christian leaders.

There is hope for the future if Trump wins, not because anybody is worshipping him or calling him a savior like they used to call obama, but because he will provide common sense leadership influenced strongly by evangelicals and conservatives. He will put in place conservative economic policies that will give us a true recovery and start to pay down the debt. Even if his motive is to save his financial empire what's wrong with that? He provides tens of thousands of jobs for people, and who in his right mind wouldn't want a better economy than the meager one percent growth and 95 million people out of work that we have now?

He will protect the Bill of Rights rather than attack it. He has said publicly that the attacks against Christians and freedom of religion must stop. He's the only candidate who has said that. That doesn't make him born again or a role model for young men, but a Trump presidency gives the country a chance to move back toward the Christian principles we were founded on and prepare the way for a born again Christian who is a role model for young men.

The alternative is a woman who is so debase that she will lead us into a complete LGBT moral abyss, and the country straight to hell with unlimited abortions. Any Christian who can stand by and let hillary win in order to protect some undefined biblical principle about not voting for Trump,doesn't understand biblical morality or the Christian's responsibility to government, has no real concept of the bigger picture, or a plan for the future. Anybody who thinks if we can't win it all in one election there is no point in trying doesn't understand our political system. Barring a third Great Awakening in our country the way back to our founding Christian principles is going to be a step by step process, which means at this point we need to accept Trump in order to get to Pence.

Wake up. The end of the world will come when God is ready. In the mean time we are to occupy till He comes. Allowing the enemies of God to win is not occupying. It's surrender.

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