AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Friday, August 24, 2012


When the US Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that a woman has a right to abortion, it added a disclaimer saying that if it could ever be positively proven that the fetus in the womb is alive, that would overturn the decision.

Medical science and the development of ultra sound imaging in the 1980's have pretty well proven that the fetus is a living being capable of hearing and feeling pain. Any woman who has ever carried a child to term knows when that child is moving around and kicking that it is very much alive, but those in favor of abortion never tire of asking the question about when life begins.

The basic answer is simply this. When a sperm and an egg unite to form a zygote, within moments the cell begins dividing and growing. Only living things divide and grow. Whether it is viable or able to survive outside the womb is not the issue. It is alive from conception.

When my wife was struggling with a very difficult pregnancy with our last son, she was having ultra sounds done every other day during a hospital stay and then every month. At nine weeks we saw the baby, nothing more than a blob with little stubs beginning to form, but with a beating heart that we could see and hear. As the months went by we were able to watch him grow through the various stages of development. We were limited, being in Kenya, to older technology and could see little more than the skeletal structure and fuzzy images, but a more beautiful thing I have never seen.

My wife's cousin is carrying her third child and just had an ultra sound. The image of her little girl is so clear you can make out all of her facial features. Photos show the baby holding her foot, scratching her nose, and yawning.

This little child in the womb is alive and deserves the right to live, yet little babies just like this one are aborted at a rate of 4,000 per day in the United States. One has to wonder how anyone could become so cold, calloused, and uncaring as to murder a living being just because it is in the womb and an inconvenience to the mother or the father or both. I've known people who shed tears over cruelty to animals, but couldn't care less about a baby being ripped apart, or having its skull smashed by a partial birth abortion just moments before it would be ruled murder. Abortion should qualify as the most heinous, hate crime that there is.

Leftists long ago took over the Democrat Party and turned it into a platform for atheism, perversion, and self-indulgence. By packing the courts with radical leftwing ideologues they've turned the meaning of "separation of church and state" on its head in order to remove any Christian or moral influence from our government and public life. They've defied the bi-partisan Defense of Marriage Act in favor of gay marriage. They've made abortion a litmus test for justices and candidates, and they denounce everyone who opposes them as being full of hate.

And now, just when it looks like the Democrats couldn't get any more wicked, they have sunk to a new low. Wednesday they announced they are going to make the Democrat Convention a celebration of abortion. A celebration of the act of ending innocent life! A celebration of the destruction on demand of little faces like the one in this picture. They accuse Republicans of "waging a war on women," which is a slanderous lie, while they are waging a war on helpless babies. There is nothing they could do that is any more despicable, detestable, defiled, or depraved.

We hear from conservative talk radio and elsewhere that the coming election will be the most vital in American history because the Obama machine with its trillion dollar deficits and the obamacare reinvention of medical coverage, if allowed to continue, will drive the country into bankruptcy. But this election is about more than economics. It's about the moral fabric of our culture. It's about the character of the American soul. It's about the sanctity of life. It's about the judgment of God hanging over America like Damocles' sword.

If we don't turn Obama and his godless minions out in November that sword will fall. The blood of fifty-five million aborted babies cries out for justice, and like Jefferson, I "tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever." I also tremble for anyone calling himself a "Christian" who would have so little Christian principle as to vote for Obama. You cannot be right with God and vote for the wanton, reckless, destruction of babies.

This election is a referendum on life and death. Vote PRO-LIFE.


  1. What a moving appeal for the soul of the American people. How indeed can anyone claim to love the Savior with the blood of innocents on his hands?

    Celebration of abortion? Never heard of any phrase so ludicrous or morally illogical.

  2. "Lance, you knocked another one out of the park with your gentle eloquence. "

  3. AMEN! Very well said, Lance. I'm continuing to pass it on.

  4. "This is an excellent article"
