A group of former Navy Seals has produced a video highly critical of the president for the shameless way he has taken credit for the killing of bin Laden. Much as like the "Swift Boaters" of 2004, the Press has criticized the Seals' efforts. Obama's response was that he doesn't take them seriously.
The truth of the matter is, Obama doesn't take anybody seriously. Neither does he take the Constitution or the rule of law seriously. He is bound and determined, as all liberals are, to force his agenda on everybody whether they want it or not. He seems to have forgotten, along with all the other American history he has forgotten, that the battle cry of the Revolution was "No taxation without representation."
He has decided that he will force Obamacare down our throats even though two-thirds of the country want it repealed. A percentage that high means even Democrats are against it. The House has already voted to overturn it, and a federal judge ordered it's implementation halted, but Obama has defied the court, the House, and the will of the people to begin installing the system. When the Catholic Church objected to having to pay for Obama's insurance plan that mandates covering abortions, he basically thumbed his nose at them and said they had to comply. Oh, I forgot, Kathleen Sibelius said that, Obama's nose is clean.
Actually it's not. Obama promised before the Affordable Health Care Act (a terrible misnomer) was passed that it wouldn't cover abortions. He lied. He also said it wouldn't raise taxes, but thanks to the conservative betrayal of Chief Justice Roberts, the only way the unconstitutional mandate in Obamacare is constitutional, is if it is a tax. There are in fact 18 taxes that will be hitting us in the next year if Obamacare is fully implemented. But no sooner had Roberts released his decision upholding the act, than Obama contradicted him and said it was not a tax. In that case, it's unconstitutional, but Obama doesn't take that seriously.
Obama doesn't take marriage seriously. Even though several states as well as Congress have passed laws defining marriage as one man and one woman, the president has by dictatorial decree abolished the Defense of Marriage Act. He even called it "unconstitutional," as if he alone knows more than the US Supreme Court and all of Congress. This is an arrogance that is tyrannical.
He doesn't take welfare reform seriously. He again, single-handedly by decree, overturned the bi-partisan Welfare Reform Act signed into law by Bill Clinton, basically undoing everything that had been set up to help welfare recipients find work. Then he lied in an interview and said he hadn't done it. All of this with Bill Clinton scheduled to give a keynote speech at the Democratic Convention. It would be interesting to know what Clinton really thinks about that.
Obama doesn't take the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry seriously either. With a scandal brewing that is bigger than Watergate ever thought of becoming, Obama claims executive privilege to protect Eric Holder and probably himself as well, and files lawsuits against States that take any action to protect themselves from the invasion of illegal aliens.
The Press was all over Nixon for Watergate, and all over Reagan for Guns for Hostages, even though nothing was found to implicate Reagan. Where are they now? An agent is dead, other people have been killed along the border as well, the scandal involved probably goes all the wait to POTUS, but the MSM doesn't take any of it seriously. The sold-their-souls-to-Democrat-leftism MSM doesn't care unless it is a gaffe by a Republican.
Remember Dan Quayle misspelling "potato?" (He was actually set up. He was handed a card with the word spelled "potatoe," so that when he corrected the child's spelling he actually read the error provided him.) There was no end of the criticism for the "child" Quayle who couldn't spell potato. Guess what word Obama misspelled this week? In a stump speech given in Ohio, he verbally spelled the state, "Oiho." Hear anything about that on the news?
Now Todd Akin, running for the Missouri Senate seat held by radical leftist Claire McCaskill, has blundered making some non-sensical statement about rape. You would think he had raped somebody himself the way the media has jumped all over it. Leaders of his own party along with Sean Hannity have all asked him to drop out of the race, and the media is having a field day with it. Where's the criticism from the left over Biden's hateful, racist remarks?
There is something else the MSM seems to have forgotten. Back in 2008, McCain campaigned saying that he was the guy that would get bin-Laden. At a stop somewhere Obama came back with the comment that it wasn't that important that they actually get bin-Laden as long as they could keep al Qaeda in check. But when the Seal Team finally got bin-Laden it was another story. Then megalomaniac Obama was quick to let everyone know he had authorized it, he had directed it, he had practically pulled the trigger.
I would say that we shouldn't take Obama seriously, except that we had better. His Saul Alinsky Marxist tactics are closer to Hitler's Nazi agenda than anything we've seen in this country. He is step by step dismantling the Constitution, taking over the economy, and mandating our lifestyle. He is assuming powers not granted nor ever intended by the Founders of our country. If he is re-elected there will be nothing to stop him from grabbing more and taking more of our freedoms away. Obama needs to be taken so seriously that the country rallies to Romney/Ryan and votes him out by a landslide so overwhelming that the Democrats won't be able to try and steal the election with hanging chads and endless recounts.
Once he's gone we won't have to worry about taking him seriously anymore, but the challenge is before us. This is going to be the most critical election in our history, and we must work harder than ever before to vote in the Republican candidate.
If only the thick veil of dependency and ignorance might be removed from the souls of those who vote blindfolded.