At another campaign stop in Las Vegas, Obama, with loosened tie and rolled up sleeves, bounced up to the podium with a grin and a chuckle, and in jocular fashion, tried to pass himself off as a cool guy, just one of the gang. Waving to his supporters he downplayed the upcoming debate condescendingly calling Romney a great debater while, with an air of false humility, lowering the expectations of his own ability. Then, following the liberal trend of ignoring what the Romney/Ryan ticket is offering, he made his own subtle attack against the Republicans implying that they have no plan, and saying this:
What I'm most concerned about is having a serious discussion about what we need to do to keep the country growing and restore security of hard-working Americans.
Actually, I think most Americans are more than willing to have a serious discussion with Obama about what he plans to do, but he's so busy campaigning and schmoozing with celebrities that he has no time to run the country or deal with foreign policy issues, much less discuss them with the common people. How serious can he be taken when leaders from all over the Middle East are at the United Nations, but Obama has no time to meet with any of them because he's being "eye-candy" on the View?
How serious can he be taken when he claims to be Israel's best friend, but can't find time to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while they are both in New York even though he had several free hours on his schedule between being on the View and his next meeting?
How serious can he be taken when two weeks after the Libyan ambassador and three other Americans were murdered he goes before the United Nations General Assembly and continues to spew the misinformation he sent his Secretary of State and UN ambassador out to disseminate that it was a spontaneous reaction to an unknown Youtube video, even after evidence has been uncovered showing that he new it was a coordinated terrorist attack within 24 hours of the events taking place?
How serious can he be taken when he leaves US diplomats unprotected after the Libyan president claims to have warned the US of the threat of an attack three days before it happened?
How serious can he be taken when he declares there is a new respect for America around the world, while Iranian president Ahmadinejad accuses America of being allied to the devil, and US embassies are being attacked, our flags being burned, and Al-Qaeda flags being raised on our embassy soil all over the Middle East and North Africa?
How serious can he be taken when his foreign policy of apology and appeasement designed to get Iran to the negotiating table and end their quest for a nuclear bomb has totally failed?
How serious can he be taken when he says the US economy is recovering after 43 straight months of unemployment above eight percent? When he says he's done more to increase our energy production than any other president, but canceled the XL pipeline and has forced scores of coal mines to close? When he's given us over 6 trillion dollars in new debt in less than four years?
How serious can he be taken when he goes on Letterman and can't answer a straight question about the national debt saying he didn't know exactly what it was when he took office? Or when he tells Letterman it is a long term problem but not a short term problem when if he doesn't address it in the short term it will grow beyond the ability to be fixed in the long term?
How serious can he be taken about medical care for seniors when he's taken 716 billion dollars out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare, which we now find out will fine any hospital that admits a Medicare patient more than one time?
How serious can he be taken when he says Obamacare will not cover abortions when we now know it will force everybody's tax dollars or insurance covereage to pay for abortion on demand, regardless of religious beliefs that are against it?
How serious can he be taken when he says the border with Mexico is secure while another border agent has been murdered and he's claiming executive privilege to protect his derelict Attorney General from the Fast and Furious investigation, or maybe his own connection to it?
How serious can he be about immigration reform when his Agricultural Department is providing training for Mexican citizens to get US food stamps?
How serious can he be taken when he's missed almost half of his national security briefings but played 104 rounds of golf?
How serious can he be taken when he claims to support the military but has taken every step possible to prevent the military from voting absentee while serving the country overseas, and has plans to decrease military spending down to almost nothing?
How serious can he be taken when he claims to be a Christian but turns his back on Christian holidays and prayer days, and refuses to speak at Christian venues unless Christian symbols are covered up, all the while quoting the Koran from memory and honoring Muslim holidays with Muslim guests including leaders of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood at the White House?
How serious can he be taken when he says he knows American history and praises the Muslim influence on our founding while denying our true Christian heritage?
How serious can he be taken when he talks about bi-partisanship and blames the Republicans for blocking progress when he refuses to meet with Republican leaders, when he can't even submit a budget that his own party will vote for, and when he bypasses the Congress, the Courts, and the Constitution by issuing unconstitutional executive orders?
The only thing we can take serious about Obama is that he is a pathological liar, that he doesn't care what we the people think, and that his Hope and Change plan for America is no hope for freedom and all change to a socialist dictatorship, which he will accomplish if he is re-elected.
Yes, let's have a serious discussion, and let's pray that Romney starts it at the first debate tomorrow night.
Yes, it is time now.
ReplyDeleteWe are praying the same way.
ReplyDeleteSend this to Romney so that he can use these points in his debate.
ReplyDeleteAnother tremendous article that hits the nail right on the head. :-) Why or why can't Americans see it???
ReplyDeleteDon't forget his birth certificate, college transcripts, un-transparency, illegal czars, the list goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteHe won't be acting like "Mr Cool" when he stands before the Lord. He will be very, very serious. Well said, Lance.
ReplyDeleteBig Romney win over the liar in chief. The cool guy got burned. He's mister amateur.
ReplyDeleteIn short, it was a stunning victory for Romney. He knew his stuff. Obama was nothing but talking points. Romney looked him in the eye; Obama looked down at his podium or at Jim Lehrer. Romney looked presidential; Obama did indeed look like an amateur.
ReplyDeleteWhat's more telling is that the liberal networks, CNN and MSNBC, both hacks for Obama, are both reporting a resounding victory for Romney. CNN just announced a poll they held immediately after the debate has Romney winning 67 - 25%.
But the killer is a couple of tweets by the atheist, anti-Christian Obama cheerleader Bill Maher: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney." "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter."
When ultra far left liberals are this honest, you know it was bad for Obama. There is still hope for this election.
Enjoying all of your commentaries - thank you! His arrogance bit him in the butt this time...and I am glad he "failed" on our turf (since we had to put up with having closed highways the entire day)...and the liberal Denver Post even headlined "Round 1: Romney".
ReplyDeleteIndeed, this is the question: How serious can we take him? Thank you for sharing this writing.
ReplyDeleteHow appropriate that the first "serious discussion" between the candidates was on your turf. And how unfortunate that his mumbling and stumbling were the direct result of the mile high altitude. Can we not create a country of liberal fools governed by such disregard for our heritage? But that's not preserving the Union.
ReplyDeleteYour treatise one day before the debate contained all the necessary talking points. It was superb.