AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm In

You've heard of "Throwing your Hat in the Ring," an expression usually indicating that someone has decided to campaign for an office. A couple weeks ago I heard Roseanne Barr, the leftist, National Anthem mocking comedienne, announce that she is running for president on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket. Her agenda is flatly stated; socialism.

Now several people have suggested I run for office and I haven't taken them seriously because I am occupied in what I think is a more important profession. But then I saw Barr's announcement and I thought, Why not? I'm in! I don't mean for a local or state office, not even Congress. I'm going for the whole enchilada. I'm running for president of these United States of America. And why not? I've got at least as much experience and a whole lot more common sense than the current White House Occupant (WHO).

Let me explain to you my qualifications and why I'm a better choice than the WHO.

Citizenship: I'm a Birther. There won't be any controversy over my birth certificate or my college transcripts. It's all there for everybody to see and I won't be wasting any money trying to hide it. Transparency will be the real thing in my administration, not the bull we get from the WHO, because I have nothing to hide.

Experience: I haven't been the president of Princeton like Woodrow Wilson was, nor did I build a university like Thomas Jefferson did, but I was the administrator of a Bible college in Kenya for 11 years, and I did oversee building projects, as well as curriculum development. Our college wasn't large, but I ran it while building and pastoring churches at the same time, and it gave me a whole lot more executive experience than the WHO got from being a community organizer.

According to the WHO's wife, he has lived the American dream. Considering that he lived in one of the wealthiest subdivisions in Jakarta for several years and has been spoon-fed everything he's ever gotten in life, including his college education, I would question whether he even knows what the American dream is. For that matter, I wonder why the First Spouse was never proud of America before the WHO became a candidate for president if he had lived the American dream. She should have been proud all along that he could do it.

I have lived the real American dream. Got my first job when I was 11 years old, built a dune buggy in high school, paid my own way through college and played the Great American Pastime, baseball, became a Marine and then a pilot. I'm not one of those greedy rich with millions in the bank like the WHO, but I own two houses, and I am one of those evil landlords that make money off a rental property.

I have, by the way, spent millions of dollars. When I went through flight school it was estimated that the cost of training one military pilot was 1.5 million. The average cost of flying the A-4 during my tenure in the Corps and the Navy was about 45,000 per flight hour. I logged over 2300 hours in the air, which means I spent or used $103,500,000 during my military career, and all in the line of duty. I used tax payer dollars in service to the country unlike the WHO, who costs the US taxpayer 1.4 billion dollars a year to haul him and his entourage all over the country and the world, half the time for vacations, golf, or campaign fundraisers. I'm a bargain in comparison.

Economics: I believe in laissez-faire free enterprise trickle down Reagonomics. Much to the consternation of the WHO and in direct contradiction to what he and his lackeys have been spewing since the Democrat convention, IT DOES WORK!!! IT HAS ALWAYS WORKED. IT WILL ALWAYS WORK. Every economic recovery or period of growth since the Federal Income Tax was instituted 99 years ago has come about because of tax cuts. It worked with Eisenhower, with Kennedy, with Reagan, with Clinton, in spite of his gargantuan lie at the convention, and with Bush II. The strongest of these, the one that produced four straight budget surpluses under Clinton, also cut spending (forced upon him by the Republican controlled Congress led by Newt Gingrich). It's the only way we will ever tackle the 16 trillion dollar deficit, half of which has been accumulated since the Democrats took over Congress in 2006, and more than a third of which has been added since the WHO took office less than four years ago.

The WHO believes in redistributing the wealth, which in everybody else's terms is socialism, no matter how much the WHO or the Democrats deny it. Let's get something straight. IT DOESN'T WORK. IT NEVER HAS WORKED, AND IT NEVER WILL WORK.

Foreign Policy: I am still amazed at the gall of the Obama campaign in 2008 and its lapdog media agents who excoriated Sarah Palin for not having the knowledge or personality to deal with foreign policy issues. She had been the mayor of a town and was the governor of Alaska, she had executive experience, was firm in her positions, solid in her determination, yet they castigated her for lack of experience, all the while ignoring the fact that the WHO had never even run a lemonade stand, and knew nothing on foreign policy.

The Obama Doctrine is to weaken our military and bow before Muslim leaders. He told us that by his very election he would show the world the US has changed and they would talk to him and that would bring about peace. In fact, three years after the WHO's groveling apology tour, he still hasn't dialogued with any significant Middle Eastern leader, and now anti-American protesters have attacked our embassies all across the region and murdered four Americans including an ambassador. That is not a "bump in the road," it is an abject failure.

I've lived 15 years of my life overseas, stayed in the homes of dirt poor people, ate meals in some of the most out of the way places with no sanitation, survived a revolution, a volcanic eruption, and dengue fever, dealt with corrupt government officials including immigration agents, attorneys, judges, and policemen. I won't make the mistake of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood or any government that hates us. By the way, one of the first places we can save money is by cutting foreign aid all across the board, with the exception of Israel.

Military: Peace Through Strength. Recapture Reagan's vision and build our forces back to the number one status in the world. Power projection will do more for peace and keeping our embassies protected than bowing to Muslim leaders and dialoguing. Bring our troops home and give them some R and R. Let the rest of the world take care of its own problems, but have our military ready to pounce anywhere at anytime when Americans are threatened or in danger.

Immigration: Legal immigration for qualified people who want to come to America to become Americans. No more immigration lottery. No amnesty for illegal aliens. Require E-verify for employers, jail and/or deport every illegal caught in a crime, and allow "law-abiding" illegals to self deport as they lose their jobs due to E-verify. Secure the border with Mexico and use the military to support the Border Patrol. End all government suits against States that have tightened their own immigration laws.

Healthcare: Repeal Obamacare. Let the States run their own programs. The only reform I would make is to allow insurance companies to sell over State lines to make the entire insurance industry more competitive. That in itself will bring the cost of medical care down. And ban pharmaceutical companies from advertising publicly. Cutting out the millions they spend for thirty second commercials followed by sixty seconds of disclaimers to prevent lawsuits in case someone gets sick from their medicine will save millions for the cost of medicine.

Pro First Amendment; the government keeps its hands off the churches, off the internet, off the radio, off of free speech. Separation of Church and State is not in the Constitution and will no longer determine religious involvement in the public square. We are a free people, Christian or non-christian, and there will be no restrictions on the use of the Bible or the Ten Commandments in schools, on military bases or in government. After all, the Ten Commandments are written in stone in the US Supreme Court.

Pro Second Amendment; the government will take my guns from my cold, dead hands.

Morality: Pro-life; pro biblical marriage; no special rights or status for gays; the Defense of Marriage Act will be upheld. Repeal Roe v. Wade.

Unification: The WHO famously told us in 2007 that there is no black-America, Latino-America, Asian-America, there is just the United States of America. He promised to unify the country. Then he proceeded to play the race card the day he announced his candidacy, and today racism and class warfare in America is the worst it has ever been. Anyone who opposes the WHO is immediately decried as a racist.

He can't pull the race card on me. I've spent most of the last 13 years in Africa working with black people, and of course, I am inter-racially married. You want unity, I'm your man. You want to end racism, I'm your man.

I love America. I love our Constitution. I love our Declaration of Independence. I love our military. I love the God of our Fathers, that is, the Christian God that most all of them worshipped. I love our history, and I'm not afraid of it, neither am I afraid to say that there were no Muslims who helped build our great nation ever. America is the greatest nation on earth because America began as a Christian enterprise, became a Christian nation, grew into the world's number one power, became the greatest, if not the only true, benefactor nation in history, all because of Christianity. It is time we go back to our roots and have a rebirth of faith in what made us great.

That's as concise as I can make my platform, but it is enough to tell you how I will govern in all other areas as well. So I'm in. Now we need to spread the word and get 65 million write-in votes for me in the next thirty days....

Come to think of it, since that's probably unlikely, I'll give my vote to Mitt Romney. If I've got more experience than the WHO, then Romney has tons more, and Romney/Ryan are a whole lot closer to the principles in my platform than the WHO and the GAFFE.

It's time the WHO became the GONE.


  1. I read your platform - - you have my vote!!

  2. I'm voting for you.

  3. Semper Fi. I'm with you all the way.

  4. You certainly would have our votes. Very well said.

  5. You have my vote. Well done.

  6. You are going to need some advertising and as your campaign manager, I insist you send this article to the Wall Street Journal. If you don't I will.

  7. Great, Lance! The tide is turning. I'm hoping this bounce for Romney is permanent.

  8. You've got my vote!!! Except we already voted. . .we voted yesterday absentee ballot.

  9. "That's good, Lance!! I would sure vote for you!! But, since time is short, and you're unlikely to get those 60,000,000 votes, I too will cast my vote for Romney/Ryan, after all, their platform is pretty close to yours. FYI... I have another name for WHO, I call him SIC.... (Squatter-in-Chief). hahahaha!!!"

  10. Run for president. You could have made it. I could get you a lot of votes.


  12. Hear! Hear! Amen! You nailed it 100%! I'm forwarding this to friends in hopes they will do the same. Especially to their Democratic friends and family many of whom say they will not vote because they don't like either candidate. I told one of them that you will vote whether you go to the voting booth or not.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Misprint. Thank you all for your support. If we'd started two years ago maybe we could have made it happen!!! The whole point is we need to get out and vote and here's my idea of the things we need to be voting for. The important thing is, we need to make Obama Nobama. He's destroying the country and if we don't get rid of him now, we may never have another chance.

  14. Are you kidding me? What's your platform? Where are the details of your plan? You can't run on sound bites and generalities.

    Seriously, you've given more details than Obama has in four years. Your platform is solid conservative values. I wish the Romney/Ryan platform were as strong. You'd have my vote, but I'm with you, Romney will get my vote.

  15. Thanks. You need to be the distributer of a magazine for your journalism abilities. I wish you were going to be our president.

  16. I thought this was GREAT!! Sent it on to several friends.

  17. "surely we will vote for you......... With so many of us now you will surely win....."

  18. Okay, keep me in the loop!

  19. How appropriate that the first "serious discussion" between the candidates was on your turf. And how unfortunate that his mumbling and stumbling were the direct result of the mile high altitude. Can we not create a country of liberal fools governed by such disregard for our heritage? But that's not preserving the Union.

    Your treatise one day before the debate contained all the necessary talking points. It was superb.

  20. Surely we will vote for you.......... With so many of us now you will surely win.....
