I am fed up with the pessimistic, fatalistic, burn the bridges, let America go to hell attitude of some Christians who are choosing not to vote for the "lesser of two evils." I received a couple more of these e-mails from I don't know where from far right extremist Christians who have no more common sense than to think that giving up and letting evil triumph is somehow going to please God and give them a clear conscience. How clear are their consciences going to be when the Obama Nazis start forcing them to pay for abortion on demand? How are they going to feel when they find their churches closed and know that they could have done something to stop it but stayed home and did nothing?
I'm reading another loser article called The Christian Nonvoter. Jim Fedako, a Ron Paul supporter, argues that his vote won't "bind Satan in chains," and if you think yours will you are suffering from pride. He declares that there is no Christian duty to vote for president, and turns to Nazi Germany to prove his point. Christians, he claims, voted for Hitler because they thought he was the lesser of two evils and look what they got.
Well, let's take a look at that. First, Fedako has no supporting evidence to make his claim that Christians elected Hitler. He didn't research it. He didn't research German politics in the 1930's either. Hitler was never elected to a public office. He was head of the Nazi party, but he was so undesirable that he couldn't win enough votes to get elected. Unfortunately his party ran people who did win, and by 1932, when they won a majority of seats in the Reichstag, the president, Von Hindenburg, had no choice but to appoint Hitler to be the Chancellor.
Secondly, Mitt Romney is not an evil Adolf Hitler waiting to break out of his nice guy shell and become the most vile person on earth. Barack Obama is. And there's the difference. Not voting for Romney because he's a Mormon is a lazy man's way of saying he doesn't have enough guts to stand up for righteousness. An Obama victory means he'll have "more flexibility," and there will be no stopping his overthrow of the United States from within short of a civil war.
Another one of these self-righteous non-voters is a Florida football coach named Dave Daubenmire. He thinks Christians are ignorant if they think their vote will make any difference. I'd say Christians are ignorant if they fall for this line of thinking. We are commanded to be salt and light. Jesus told us to occupy until He comes. Romans 13 tells us to be in subjection to the government and be loyal citizens. Loyal American citizens vote!
Listen, our government is not Barack Obama! It is the United States Constitution which Obama is treading all over and will destroy if we don't stop him. The Constitution guarantees our right to vote, a right most of the world has never had, and much of the world still doesn't have. You can bet on it that this election is going to be full of fraud. There are already two cases of voting machines in early voting automatically putting in Obama's name no matter who the voter selected. There are already cases of Democrats registering people more than once, just as they did in the 2008 election. You can be sure there will be more.
The atheist Democrat machine, led by its false messiah from Kenya, is out, as it always is, to steal another election. And the stakes this time have never been greater. This is for our independence, it's for our nation, it's for our freedom, it's for America. If it turns out that it is God's will that this election will bring His judgment down on America, then so be it, but I'm not going to be one of the cowards sitting on the sideline watching it happen when we could be throwing the most vile man ever to occupy the White House out on his ear.
What if Christians had stayed home in 2000 because George Bush got arrested for drunk driving once? We'd have had Al Gore. What if they'd stayed home in 1980 because Ronald Reagan was non-denominational? We'd have had four more years of Carter. What if they'd stayed home in 1968 because Nixon was a Quaker? We'd have had Hubert Humphrey. None of those, with the exception of Gore, would ever have been as bad as Barack Obama, but if Christians stay home this time and he is reelected, we've lost America.
Whether we win the election or not, I'm not giving up until the last shot is fired, or in this case, the last vote is cast. This country has too rich a Christian heritage to just give it up to anti-Christian communists. If we don't participate in the basic responsibilities of the God given freedom we've been blessed with, we are undeserving of the freedom we enjoy. Over a million Americans have given their lives for our freedom in our 400 year history. Considering the sacrifice so many have made, it's a pathetic, ungrateful, scoundrel who won't take advantage of the most basic freedom we have to keep that freedom alive.
The argument is made that there is no scriptural mandate to vote. Look at it this way. Remember the slothful servant who hid his talent in the ground when his master went away? When the master returned he punished the servant, took his talent away from him and gave it to someone more worthy. I can just hear Fedako and Daubenmire saying that's about serving the Lord, not voting. You want a Christian perspective? How are you as a Christian going to serve the Lord when you lose your religious liberty? Eighty percent of the world's missionaries are sent from the United States. If we lose our First Amendment freedoms world-wide missions will die. Surrendering is not an option for the Christian. Disengagement is not godly, it's cowardly.
We absolutely must stay engaged. The Democrats may manage to steal this election and we may lose our country, but I'm not going to be sitting on the sidelines watching it fall apart, and neither should any Christian.
And by the way, this is not an election about the lesser of two evils. Neither may be exactly what we want, but how many candidates ever are? There's only been one Ronald Reagan in my lifetime. This election is about a decent, family man, who knows how to run a business and a government, but happens to be a member of a cult that calls itself Christian and is not; and it's about evil personified in the closet communist, muslim, community organizer who knows nothing about running a business, much less a government, and has been an absolute embarrassment on foreign policy. For the Bible believing Christian it ought to be a no brainer.
Prove your patriotism and your Christianity and VOTE!
If you don't, don't complain about what you get.
Amen!!!!! Preach it, my friend!
ReplyDeleteWell said, Romney wasn't my early choice, but the only alternative at this point.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your perspective, I do not enjoy voting for a Mormon, but I am voting for the values he holds. The platforms is enough to tell people who we need to vote for.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your blog! I agree staying home and disengaging cowardly thing to do! It is our duty as Christians And Americans to as a fellow marine it make me sad to think of these that will not do their duty. Semper Fi Lance!"
ReplyDelete"I have voted. Keep praying
ReplyDeleteWe did vote before we left the States, on Oct. 8. I agree with your comments below, that it's our responsibility to go out and vote. Had not heard about the already known fraud in voting machines--if they already know about these cases, are they doing anything about them??? I've always said if Obama gets in again, it's not because he was voted in honestly, but because of all the illegal things that are happening.
ReplyDeleteI AM VOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS MY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I DON'T TRUST THE POLES. I DONT' TRUST THE MACHINES. THE TOWNS CHEAT!!!!!!!!!! I BELIEVE SOME OFTHEM ARE PAID OFF.
ReplyDeleteJust a note to congratulate you on a marvelous message. And, yes, I plan to vote. In fact I have already voted by absentee ballot here in Uruguay. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThis country sucks and is in the predicament it's in because of lip serving so called Christians. It's turned it's back on God and rejected Him and will suffer wrath the same as His chosen people, Israel. I am really surprised that you actually think that a persons vote actually counts for squat or ever has.
ReplyDelete"Or ever has?" You think the voting process has never worked? All of our presidents stole the elections? Or were they appointed by secret committees? You're saying Christians are hypocrites because they've failed to get involved? And now you're advocating what? Christians shouldn't vote? Shouldn't be involved? How hypocritical is that? The country sucks because Christians sat down and did nothing, and now you're telling them to sit down and do nothing? We are doomed, and it's not because of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Holder, Panetta and all the stooges. It's because of Christians sitting on the sidelines.
ReplyDeleteAMEN!!!! People need to vote and they also need to understand that we are never going to have perfect person to vote for just a person that we think has the best interest of this country in mind. We will never have someone that we can all agree on or with but I sure don't like the one we have and I don't like where he is taking us. By now people should be able to see him for what he is and where we are going with his policies.