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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Betrayed for Political Agenda

If this doesn't make you angry you aren't a true American. As more and more information becomes available about the events in Libya on September 11, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the White House and the entire administration is engaging in a coverup of apocryphal proportions. Benghazi Gate is so much bigger than Watergate that it demands not only an accounting, not only an impeachment, but a trial for treason.

Four Americans, including an ambassador, are dead, sacrificed for a political agenda designed to protect Obama and his image as a foreign policy giant. Obama's actions during the seven hour attack and the tale he's been weaving ever since are nothing short of treasonous. What is just as appalling is the sold out left-wing news media doing everything it can to divert attention from the facts.

On 9/11 2012, Muslim terrorists attacked the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya. By early the next day the news was out that the ambassador, Chris Stevens, had been killed. That morning Obama made a press announcement in which he stated that acts of terror would not go unpunished, then left for a campaign stop in Las Vegas, Nevada. He never referred to Benghazi as an act of terror.

Four days later on the Sunday talk show circuit, the UN ambassador, Susan Rice, on five different network interviews said the attack was a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Muslim video that nobody had yet heard of. White House spokesman Jay Carney continued the ruse day after day.

This had everybody scratching their heads. What video? But the Secretary of State continued to promote this wag, and when Obama and Clinton met the bodies being returned home at Andrews Air Force Base, they couldn't keep the video out of their remarks for one minute. Then a week later in a speech at the UN, Obama declared six times that the cause was the video.

While in New York, Obama sent Hilary out to meet with world leaders while he visited the celebrity talk show circuit and said over and over that not all the facts were known and that they were letting the public know as soon as they knew anything. Two weeks passed before Obama finally conceded that it was a terrorist attack.

Then when Paul Ryan confronted Biden at the Vice Presidential debate, Biden, waving his arms all over the place, said that on the day after the attacks they didn't know what had happened. Six days later at the next presidential debate, Obama said he knew and called it a terrorist attack on the day after. Then he feigned offense that Romney could even suggest a coverup was going on.

One has to wonder if even the White House takes Biden seriously. Obama knew, but Biden didn't? Were they keeping it a secret from him?

Lies beget lies beget lies. They must be panicked in the White House because more and more is getting exposed, and over the last week Obama has dodged every question that's come up about Benghazi. Not that there are that many, but some media people are starting to wake up. The Des Moines Register, an ultra liberal newspaper, just came out endorsing Romney.

And more information is leaking out. State Department e-mails are showing that the White House was informed that terrorists were behind the attack within two hours of the attack happening. But wait, there were drones in the air watching events take place, and apparently some people were in the Situation Room at the White House watching. Where was the leader of the free world when that was going on? Where was the messiah who could bring peace to the Middle East when his ambassador was being murdered?

Now we know the attack went on at the consulate, which was a mile away from an annex where an inadequate security team was based because two other units had been withdrawn, even though the embassy had requested increased security. Both places were attacked in a battle that went on for seven hours. Repeated requests for assistance at the consulate were denied until finally Ty Woods and maybe another disobeyed orders and went to the consulate to try and rescue seven people that were trapped there. Several were rescued, but the ambassador and one other were killed.

Running a gauntlet of machine gun fire the Americans raced through the streets in a vehicle with blown tires and made it to the annex. Mortar fire then dropped on the annex until Ty Woods, apparently on a rooftop, located the mortar and targeted it with a laser. There is only one reason a Forward Observer, SEAL team member, or whoever, would beam a laser light at a target like that. He was expecting a smart bomb or cruise missile to be launched at the target. He could only have expected that if he thought assets were in the air to launched the weapons. No weapon was launched. Apparently an order to stand down or canceling the attack had been given.

Right now the entire administration is in denial mode. CIA Director General Petraus announced he gave no such order. But somebody did, and there aren't too many people in the chain of command below the Commander-in-Chief who could give such an order.

Ty Woods was exposed and then fired upon and killed because he was betrayed by the inept, self-serving traitor in the White House. This entire administration is guilty of at the very least gross negligence and incompetence, but at the worst a very vast coverup of Obama's failed leadership and betrayal of Americans who trusted him.

Obama said again yesterday that they were going to find those responsible and make them pay. Why should we believe him? A New York Times reporter found the man claiming to have led the attack sipping a strawberry frappe in a sidewalk cafe in Tripoli. If a liberal journalist from an Obama supporting newspaper can find the mastermind, why can't the Obama administration find him and do something?

It is unfathomable to think that there is anybody left, who would still vote for this lilly-livered scoundrel. He's a spineless coward, the poorest excuse ever to occupy the White House. He's an embarrassment to America and all that is decent and godly. And there are worse descriptions that would fit. Many people think America is about to face God's judgment, but if Obama is re-elected, God won't even have to do anything. Obama will do it for him, and we will have brought it on ourselves. If America doesn't turn him out next week then we deserve him.

What the Betrayer-in-Chief Obama deserves is jail.


  1. Excellent! Very well said!!! We have already contacted our Senators and demanded that they pursue the truth about this event. Obama is nothing short of a traitor as far as we are concerned.

    It is beyond understanding that the News outlets are almost ignoring this event. To them, power trumps patriotism. You are absolutely correct, if Obama is re-elected we deserve what we get!

    Did you hear the report from Catherine Herridge on Fox News? She is an excellent investigative reporter. She said it was reported that the Ambassador was running guns to Syria and the terrorists. He was in Benghazi to report the progress. Something went awry that led to the order to kill him.

    Humm? Wonder who ordered that he be killed? Not a word of this report on MSM OR on talk radio. Catherine has more courage than those cowards who watched the Americans die via live feed.

  2. This storm is going to give Barry the opportunity to look Presidential. Could help him.
    On the.upside it may hurt voter turnout in Demo Strongholds. Also will be an immense blow to economy.
    If he is re-electef, there will not be much of America to recognize after another four years.
    The Ol Preacher opines!

  3. You would probably get much wider exposure on Face Book. Blogs and websites cannot be shared easily. On Face Book, every time someone comments or "likes" your article, it shows up on all of their friends newsfeeds. Many photos or articles can hit into the millions on exposure.

  4. Excellent. Too bad most of the press is not publishing, so,90% of people,won't even give it a thought.

  5. I think you need to be on the campaign trail. You are kinda talking to the choir.

    1. Thank you. My secret ambition is to be a politician!!!

  6. I tried to reply on the blog but it wouldn't let me.

    A lot of people have said the same thing. I don't know what the problem is, but I'm glad to post all comments that come by e-mail for you.

  7. Excellent factual account!! You are right this is way beyond Watergate! And, it makes me VERY angry!!

  8. Amen to your article on Libya. I wish Americans would wake up and smell the roses. I pray God will have mercy on America, even though we don't deserve it.

  9. I read the blog and tried to respond - I thought it went through but maybe not. ANyway, I wrote that it was excellent and I agreed wholeheartedly. The man should be impeached.

    Same problem. I don't know what to do but thanks for the e-mails.
