Yesterday twenty-seven Republican cowards in the Senate, including Missouri's supposed conservative Roy Blunt, effectively voted to fund Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution to raise the deficit. Obama, due to his own ineptness, has been in free fall for several months and the Republicans had a chance to absolutely crush his agenda. Instead they surrendered and gave him the victory. The Republican Party is led by a herd of spineless wimps afraid to stand up to the greatest threat to American sovereignty since King George III.
This is just incredible. Obama is the perfect Manchurian Candidate. He is so inept he couldn't run a hotdog stand on the corner, he can't give a speech without TelePrompTers, he doesn't have an original thought in his head, socialist puppeteers are playing him while he plays golf, everybody, including his in the pocket unions, knows his signature achievement, Obamacare, is about to completely destroy the economy as well as the health care system, even his supporters are complaining, but we can't find enough conservatives with the brains and the guts to put an end to his socialist overthrow of the Constitution.
We expect the godless, characterless, lapdog left to bow the knee to their messiah, but when in our history has an opposition party been so weak that they automatically throw in the towel without a whimper? Ted Cruz and the few that stood with him and for We the People, were shot in the back by their own party leadership.
What do Mitchell, Cornyn and all the rest of them think? Do they believe that if they compromise and just go along that Obama will work with them later? He's an attack dog that can smell fear and he smells it. He won't be satisfied until there isn't one Republican left standing.
It has well been said that people get the leaders they deserve. We're seeing that now. The stupidity of at least half or more of the American electorate that doesn't understand the government or the economy because they attended a public school system that is more concerned with gay propaganda than education, and greedily votes for shared poverty as long as they get their welfare and food stamps because socialist ideologue hacks in the media who have sold their souls to Obama have convinced their undiscerning minds that it is good for them, has given us this disaster.
John Dewey would be proud. His socialist anti-constitutional government philosophy has prevailed in American society. The dumbing down of America that Bill Clinton warned us about has taken place precisely because we have followed his educational agenda.
The question now is what will the House GOP do when they go into conference with the Senate to negotiate this Continuing Resolution? Boehner was only a last minute convert to allowing a vote on defunding Obamacare in the House. The flood of phone calls, faxes and e-mails against funding Obamacare over the last two weeks gave him no choice. But will the House negotiators stand up to the Senate's determination to fund it? Or will they turn out, after one moment of courage, to be the same spineless wimps that the majority of Republicans are in the Senate?
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34). We have stumbled along with God's blessing for a long time but I'm afraid we are about to reach the end of the rope and find out what this verse really means.
We need to pray for our country as never before.
Don't you know that Bill Clinton is endorsing his daughter for president in 2016? LOL.
ReplyDeleteSo, tell us how you really feel! LOL! That's what I love about you, Lance Patterson.