Remember Joe Biden's rant against assault weapons? He suggested buying a shotgun instead. So guess what kind of weapon Aaron Alexis used to murder 12 people at the Navy Yard? A shotgun. And what is the anti Second Amendment crowd response? We need to ban assault weapons. Right, I see the logic.
In another response to the shooting University of Kansas professor David Guth said to NRA members on Twitter, “Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters”…"May God damn you.” Shouldn't this qualify as a hate crime?
Once again a non-NRA member shoots up a crowd and the anti-gun zealots blame the NRA. Of course it makes sense. It's not like the shooter is guilty or anything like that.
So, Pelosi and Reid's argument against defunding Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution was, "It's the law. You can't defund it." I seem to remember that in 2006 Congress passed into law the border fence. As soon as the Democrats got control of Congress they refused to fund it. What's the difference?
Obama's response to the House vote, "There's no serious evidence Obamacare will hurt the economy." Well, in Liberal double-speak that may be true. By the time it's up and running it will already have done so much harm that there's no evidence it will do anything worse in the future than it has already done.
And what was it he said about the Continuing Resolution? Raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt? Is this guy living in the same world we are living in, or is he in the utopian fantasy land that never existed except in the minds of leftist Peter Pans?
How about Obama's mindless spokesperson, Jay Carney? A couple days ago he called the pending vote to defund Obamacare a "civil war." He might be right. Considering Obama is making war against the will of 70% of the people who are in favor of defunding Obamacare it might just qualify as that.
On the other hand, since he has yet to prove his US citizenship this is less a civil war than it is a foreign invasion.
I'm sure there are more things I could muse on, but I'll let it go for now.
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