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Thursday, September 19, 2013


A couple weeks ago I got into a discussion on a friend of my brother's Facebook page with an arrogant 18 year old snort who had been indoctrinated into liberalese by his public school education. Thinking he was brilliant he mocked and called us names, typical leftist tactics, until we step by step took his arguments apart with the truth and he had nothing to come back with.

What I find most interesting about these conversations is the inevitable attack against Ronald Reagan using Iran-Contra as evidence of his criminal activity. They also like to show his treasonous actions in supporting bin-Laden in Afghanistan's war against Soviet occupation.

Truth, of course, never matters to a liberal. Only the agenda. But the truth is Ronald Reagan was investigated and found innocent of any personal wrong doing in the Iran-Contra affair. As for bin-Laden, he was just another freedom fighter trying to drive out the Soviets. We supplied the freedom fighters with stinger anti-aircraft missiles in order to sting our long time Cold War enemy. There was no way of telling in the mid-1980s that bin-Laden was going to turn on us, or that a terrorist organization like Al Qaida was brewing in his mind.

Liberal double-speak, as we are increasingly seeing with Obama, Biden, and all the rest, is Machiavellian to the core. That is, whatever you do or say to maintain power is justified. So Obama can call Bush unpatriotic and criminal for 450 billion dollar deficits, but when he takes office 1.3 trillion dollar deficits are suddenly necessary and patriotic. Biden can state publicly that he would call for Bush's impeachment if he got involved in any wars without congressional approval (he did not), but it's okay when Obama unilaterally calls for air strikes in Libya without even discussing it with Congress, much less getting its approval. And on and on it goes.

Obama's attempt last weekend to do it again, however, backfired and the whole Syria affair has made him look like a fool world wide. Today, however, he has announced that he is suspending sections 40 and 40A of the 1976 Arms Exports Control Act, which prohibits weapons technology from being exported to terrorist groups, in order to send weapons to the Al Qaida/Muslim Brotherhood led Syrian rebels. If this isn't the height of arrogance. Since when does a president have the right to indiscriminately bypass the law? (As if it's only the first time he's done it!)

What is worse is that after a year of delays and threatening embassy personal to dissuade them from testifying, the truth, which was suggested a year ago already, is beginning to spread that Ambassador Chris Stevens was in Benghazi because the embassy was involved in gun running to the Syrian rebels. Do we hear anything from the media on this? Is any news organization trying to get to the bottom of it? Where are the comparisons to Iran-Contra? How about the accusations of treason for supplying a sworn enemy of the United States with weapons?

The Democrats were talking impeachment for Reagan for something he wasn't even involved in. They would have impeached Nixon for the cover up of a minor break in until he resigned. Obama is not only involved, he sacrificed the lives of four Americans and has spent a year covering it up and now he has openly declared he will bypass the law to do more. This is not minor, and it's not just a cover up. The Benghazi-Syria connection is bigger and reaches into higher places than Iran-Contra ever came close to.

Shouldn't we be hearing "Impeachment" shouted from the highest levels of Congress? It's about time somebody had the guts to stand up to Obama and his leftist thugs before they turn into the next Hitler and his leftist Brown Shirts.


  1. I just love your opening statement!

  2. Five wasted years in American history, and three left to go. Let's pray we can come back after Obama.

  3. Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. es, it's time for somebody to shout "impeachment" but who's going to do it? Seems nobody in our ranks, meaning the Republicans, has the guts to say or do anything. Such a sad commentary we're seeing in our country these days. . .

  5. I've been wondering for a long time why NOBODY dares call for an impeachment!
