AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Go Hogs

Well, so many things are going on in the world it's hard to keep up, but the biggest at the moment I think is that our current non-exceptional, non-American president has just given our victory in the Cold War away to Vladimir Putin. Every president since Truman at least has tried to keep Russian influence out of the Middle East. Now after drawing a red line, then not drawing it, then shamelessly blaming the world for drawing it (at least he didn't blame Bush), he let Putin outmaneuver him and negotiate an apparent deal with Assad in Syria to keep us from getting involved.

I'm not in favor of us jumping into another war, but Obama's ineptitude has just removed the United States from being the world's number one and most respected super power into a subservient client of a former USSR head of the KGB. But that's not all. Since the world no longer fears American might or resolve, Putin sent an anti-aircraft missile defense system to Iran, along with more parts for the development of its nuclear reactor. You know, the one Obama was going to talk them out of with his charm. Now there is a successful foreign policy for you, well deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize. (I wonder if the Nobel committee has realized yet how much egg it has on its face.)

Obama's address to the nation last week was disjointed, rambling, and pointless, and it made Obama look weak, spineless and very unpresidential. Everybody in the world knows now that he is not believable and his influence in foreign policy, whatever little it might have been, is completely gone. Even Chris Matthews, he of the "tingling leg when Obama speaks," is beginning to question Obama's credibility.

But if that's not enough, Putin had the gall to send an op-ed to the New York Times, the most liberal Obama supporting tabloid in the country, lecturing Americans on American Exceptionalism. We aren't exceptional he told us. Obviously not under our current leadership. His article got no response from Obama. Rather, he said that he believes in American Exceptionalism in the same way that the British believe in British Exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek Exceptionalism. The problem is there is no such thing with the Brits, the Greeks, or any other nation. American Exceptionalism is an American ideal that recognizes America's greatness because of our history, our Constitution, and the spiritual and moral roots of our culture. Obama doesn't understand any of this. (Putin's piece, by the way, was full of anti-American claptrap, and even misrepresented Russia's own history under Boris Yeltsin.)

On another front, while Christianity is increasingly under attack in the US by the ACLU, the GLBT, the DOJ, the IRS, and the DOD, as well as the WHO (White House Occupant), a couple of weeks ago Vladimir Putin stood up for Christians in Russia and said they were being unfairly treated and were deserving of the same rights as everyone else. Now there is a switch. When in the history of the world has a Russian leader ever come to the defense of Christianity? And when in the history of the United States has a president ever been so hostile to Christianity, all the while claiming to be one? This is unprecedented and makes one wonder with the world being turned upside down like it is if we aren't close to the end!

There was another eye-popper this weekend. Gene Simmons, remember him? He was the lead singer of the heavy metal rock band KISS. Back in the 70's the rumor floated around Fundamentalist circles that the name stood for "Kings in Satan's Service." I don't know where that came from, but considering the demonic make up they wore and the noise they made (I hesitate to call it music) it wasn't hard to believe. As it turns out, Gene Simmons, who no longer paints his face, has a fairly decent haircut, and says he has never used drugs, is now involved in the Arena Football League. Sunday he came to the defense of Tim Tebow blasting the NFL and the people that don't like him because of his outspoken testimony, and defending his right to be a Christian and speak out about it. Then he invited him to come play in the AFL because it is good family entertainment and they want guys like Tebow. These are strange days we're living in.

Then you may have heard about the lesbian Air Force commander who brought charges against one of her veteran troops because he is a Christian and refused to recognize the gay community as a legitimate lifestyle. Several months ago I had a discussion with one of my former high school students on Facebook who has become gay and argued that God had led her to that decision. She claimed that all the gay community wants in the repeal of DADT is a fair shake and equal recognition for their service to their country. What happened to the Air Force sergeant isn't recognition, it's retribution, which is what the gay community has really wanted all along.

Something else that should be big, but apparently is being ignored by the Lame Stream Media, is the trial of Muhammed Morsi in Egypt. In testimony last week the Muslim Brotherhood defending Morsi claimed that Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Did you ever wonder why Obama was so dead set on overthrowing Mubarak in favor of Morsi, on covering up for the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists that attacked and killed American embassy personnel in Libya, or on supporting the Muslim Brotherhood led rebels in Syria? He has celebrated Ramadan with Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the White House. You would think this story would be huge, but the leftwing media, as well as the Left in general, isn't about truth or anything good for America. They are about covering for their messiah to whom they have sold their souls.

And what about the onslaught of black on white violence since the Trayvon Martin verdict? Where's the outrage? According to Al not-so Sharpton, none of that is fueled by racism. Really? When they shout "Cracker" before they smash the white guys' face what else is it? When a 17 year old black youth rapes a 71 year old white woman what is it? Not to mention the Australian ball player murdered by black youths who were bored, and all the rest. It's an almost weekly occurrence. And now we have another disgruntled black guy murdering twelve people at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. Where is Obama condemning all this? Where is his presidential leadership that was going to end the divide and bring racial peace? He's a bigger instigator of racism than Jesse Jackson.

What was Obama's reaction to this shooting? He tried to use it to reignite a discussion on gun control. What he overlooks again, as do all anti-Second Amendment gun control advocates, is that D.C. has the toughest gun control laws in the country. Didn't stop this murderous rampage. Neither has it prevented some 500 murders this year in Obama's hometown, Chicago, another city with ultra strict gun control laws.

Of course, the scandals don't quit: Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ spying on Americans including media e-mails. There are so many you can't even keep up. A year after Benghazi, no answers, and those who were there being threatened not to testify, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, refusing to appoint a select committee with subpoena powers to investigate. You begin to wonder if he's not somehow involved in the scandal. Boehner is also encouraging Republicans not to defund Obamacare in a Continuing Resolution. It's no wonder the Republican Party is collapsing. The leadership is in Obama's pocket as well.

(By the way, for those in Southwest Missouri, Billy Long is NOT voting to defund Obamacare in a Continuing Resolution. His explanation in a nutshell is that it is somehow illegal to do that. From my understanding, Continuing Resolutions, which I believe began under Lyndon Johnson, are unconstitutional themselves, but furthermore, anybody who would vote for a CR to continue spending at the current levels is not concerned about reining in the deficit, and needs to go. There's still time to call his office and tell him what you think before the vote on the CR and the implementation of Obamacare on October 1. I sent him an e-mail today and told him what a pathetic argument he made for not voting to defund Obamacare, especially since he doesn't have to enroll in it. I told him to do something to show he cares about his constituents not just himself.)

Well, I guess there is one piece of good news from this last week. The Million Muslim March on D.C. to protest America's unfair treatment of Muslims and insult Americans on 9/11, drew exactly 25 people. In contrast, over a million motorcyclists from all across the country showed up to declare their patriotism and support for America. Kind of makes me wish I had a hog, a black leather jacket, sunglasses and a bandana to wear on my head. That would have been a fun parade to be involved in.


  1. Preach it Lance. You need to add my husband to your list – He would amen everything you said (as do I).

  2. Lance, AMEN Brother! I agree with every word you said! The occupant of the White House(you will note I did not call him President) is a weasel. The reason he appears weak, spineless, and unpresidential is that he IS weak, spineless, and unpresidential. He is a lightweight! Anyone who expected a community organizer to be presidential material lives on a different planet than I do.
    I have not yet convinced myself that he is a card carrying Muslim jihadist, but he is at a minimum a sympathizer. He stated when he was running for the democrat nomination in 08, that he wanted to change America fundamentally, and he is methodically going about that in his every action.

  3. Lance, I forwarded this to my Mom's husband and about 20 others. They enjoy what you write.

  4. Loved this long discussion. Very good. Very true.

  5. You should send this to the NY Times.

  6. My letter to Missouri Rep Billy Long:

    Since Speaker Boehner has now decided to vote on defunding Obamacare as part of the vote on the Continuing Resolution I see no reason why you should not vote to defund it.

    You talk about the legality of such a vote; Obamacare, in spite of the crooked Supreme Court decision, is an illegal usurpation of the rights of Americans to choose their own health care. Since you agree that it is a train wreck you should be doing everything in your power to overturn it, including defunding it, rather than just talking about legalities and passing a new law, which you know will never get done under this administration.

    Considering that the constitutionality of Continuing Resolutions is suspect at best since the Constitution requires a federal budget, which has not been passed in four years, it is time to stop voting for CRs and demand a budget that addresses the debt, regardless of whether it shuts down the government. If Congress can't do it's job, Congress doesn't deserve to get paid.

    Wake up and do what's right for the country. Everything Obama has done is leading us to bankruptcy and destruction. Put an end to it.

  7. "Good commentary, you always hit the nail on the head. Too bad our government leaders cannot see or won't acknowledge all the lies that continue. God help us"

  8. "I’d love to see you tooling around on a Hog dressed like a biker! Now THAT’S what I want to see! LOL"

  9. I would like you to know that I am so amazed with your researched and even my boss who I shared it too was impressed. The truth and the facts are always great things to read. My boss who is a retired Commander is not even a Christian told me to share that email so others will be enlightened .
    Praying for you,
