AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

SCOTUS Wiser Than God?

Five justices on the Supreme Court just decided they know more than God. The decision to redefine marriage overturns 6,000 years of historical precedent established by God Himself in the Garden of Eden. The ruling overthrows the Constitution as it is based on no constitutional principle, it violates the rule of law, usurps the sovereignty of the states and essentially invalidates the Tenth Amendment. And it is not kind as some are rhapsodizing. It opens the floodgates of wickedness by legitimizing debauchery, undermining the family, and unraveling the basic structure of our society. It is an attack on the First Amendment as well as it will force churches to perform ceremonies they object to because of their religious conscience. Ultimately it is an open invitation to the judgment of God.

Combined with the twisted decision yesterday to uphold Obamacare by allowing for the intent of the writers of the law, not the actual wording of the document, SCOTUS has effectively ended government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We are now a government run by five leftists and one president who have no regard for the Constitution, the God of our Founding Fathers, or anything that is decent and coherent in our modern society, and will determine intent based on their own biased preferences. We are seeing the dismantling of America before our eyes.

But is this any surprise? Is it not ironic that the intent of the Founders is ignored even though their writings and the Constitution clearly state what they envisioned for America? This has been going on in our public schools and institutions for fifty years, but now the intent of the writers of an unconstitutional law, one that over 70% of Americans are opposed to, becomes the basis for upholding this unconstitutional law. The day following that decision the meaning of marriage is ripped apart even though the majority of Americans in more than half of the states have passed laws defining marriage as one man and one woman. The will of the people no longer matters.

Since the first colonists came to the New World America has been an example of moral probity before the world. That's not saying we haven't had problems along the way. Christians are far from perfect, but the Christian influence on our nation has given us a moral conscience and a sense of who we are, as well as a purpose for our existence among the nations. And God has blessed America as He has blessed no other nation in history.

For the last hundred years at least America has been the moral compass of the world. World War 1, World War 2, and the Cold War were all won because of American leadership. The two Gulf Wars were won and the War on Terror has been led by the United States. That is until now. Under Obama America has abandoned its leadership role in the world, not only militarily, but morally as well. This pathetic, milquetoast weak foreign policy is the result of the loss of character and resolve in America's soul, and what is happening to America internally is clearly illustrated in these two decisions.

In 1962 and 63, SCOTUS threw God and the Bible out of the public schools resulting in a sexual revolution and "new morality" that became the catalyst for the moral deviance that is flaunted today. As Christian influence has been increasingly shoved out of the public discourse, our government has turned away from God and embraced a politically correct philosophy that pretends to be tolerant of everything and everybody, but in reality has no tolerance for Christianity or anything decent, and no respect for the Constitution or love of country.

America is coming apart and this decision on marriage by an ungodly majority on the court is indicative of a nation that is dying. The question is, can America be revived? The 2016 presidential election will likely determine whether we survive as a free nation or not. There are a lot of good conservative candidates on the Republican side and conservatives need to get behind which ever one is chosen and make sure he or she wins. But evil is not only defeated at the ballot box.

Chuck Colson once said of the Reagan election victories that conservatives won the argument at the ballot box, but failed to win the hearts. That's why the country quickly turned to the Obama forerunner, Bill Clinton, when conservatives no longer had a leader with the quality and ability of Ronald Reagan. Colson was right. If there is not a return to the Bible and the God of our Fathers, even a conservative win will only temporarily slow our slide to destruction.

We've known it all along; we need to pray for America and God's mercy on our nation, but now we need to stop giving lip service to it and start praying like we mean it.


  1. Thank you , Lance for your bold & faithful stand in & for our LORD.. You are much loved.

  2. Thank you for your insight and wisdom. God help us!

  3. So well written. Sending to many others

  4. Brother, when you running for president?

  5. Amen and I must share. Well said, Lance.

  6. We totally agree!! Justice Roberts is a sell out and a turncoat. Christianity and conservatism suffered a hard blow today.

  7. Right on target.

  8. So well written. Thank you!

  9. I agree with you, It is a shame what they have done.
    I am trusting that our vote will make a difference when the time comes. It is good to communicate these things.
    I don't understand why God is allowing this but I expect it is a result of the hardness of the hearts of the people. Like the nation of Israel.

    Keep writing!

  10. Thanks for your comments on this ruling. On Fox News, they were talking about the SC decision and I was completely blindsided. I knew it was coming and I knew what I expected to happen, but it didn't seem to make it easier as I somberly sat there and watched the smiling faces of all of the celebrators and even the reporters on Fox News seemed to be somewhat jubilant. I wondered if they really had any clue what had just happened and the judgment that lies ahead for the US.

  11. The USA forfeited its "most favored nation" status before God long ago, and we Christians have often failed to realize we were dwelling in Babylon rather than Jerusalem. I have often referenced N. T. Wright who said something about the Romans 1 condemnation of homosexuality and explained that the greater judgment does not come to the homosexual sinner who can always repent and be forgiven, whereas the society that accepts and celebrates the homosexuality (and the accompanying rejection of the Creator/Creature relationship) is in greater danger of condemnation. There is little hope for a society that rejects God in such a way.

  12. Well Written and you are so Right.

  13. So well written. Thank you!
