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Friday, June 19, 2015

Whatever Drives the Agenda

News of the tragic shooting in Charleston, South Carolina had hardly broken before Obama got up to use the occasion to call for more gun control. These things don't happen in other advanced countries, he claimed. Oh, no? What was it that happened at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris last January? What goes on with the drug cartel wars across the border with Mexico all the time? What is ISIS doing all across the Middle East? What about the fanatic that killed 77 at a youth camp outside Oslo, Norway in 2011? Or do we not consider those advanced countries?

This was one of those Saul Alinksy opportunities that liberals never let go to waste. The agenda is gun control and this was an opportunity to put in a plug. Then to show just how much he really cared for the black lives that matter Obama took no questions and boarded Air Force One for three fund raisers out in California. Once again when he could have been presidential and attempted to bring comfort and healing to the distraught families he chose to go partying instead.

Next South Carolina state senator J. Todd Rutherford blamed the shooting on Fox News, and Salon, a leftist website, called it right-wing domestic terrorism. Of course, let's place the blame on conservatives before we know anything about the killer or his background. Let's once again show ourselves to be the idiots we are by accusing law abiding citizens for the criminal's behavior. As always, let's not let the facts get in the way of a good story that promotes a liberal cause. Let's not tell the truth about the fact that the church is located in a "gun-free zone." As well, South Carolina prohibits bringing firearms into churches. The maximum gun control law was already in affect in the area where the shooting took place and it prevented nothing.

What is even more unbelievable is the news anchor on CNN Overseas who went to great lengths to show her sorrow on the air and then suggested to her black guest that maybe people should be allowed to carry guns in the church for their protection. Before the bodies were even cold this anchor was suggesting black people carry guns. But wait, doesn't that go against CNN's anti-gun agenda? This is the same network that is a leading advocate for gun control and the repudiation of the 2nd Amendment. So it's situation ethics after all that rule at CNN rather than a realistic, clear-headed, consistent policy or position.

And now, no sooner has the killer, Dylann Roof, been caught than there are tweets showing up comparing his peaceful arrest with the takedown of Michael Garner. There's no comparison. Garner, who was huge, wouldn't allow the police to cuff him. Roof surrendered without a struggle. For that leftist racists are calling it "white privilege." If Roof had put his hands up and the police had shot him to pieces anyway this same crowd would be crying out against police brutality and the Justice Department would be prosecuting them.

The irony is that the main-stream-media would likely not even have covered this story if it had been a black guy walking into a white church and shooting nine white people. The reality is, black lives don't matter to the left. It's whatever drives the agenda. Hypocrites all!


  1. I totally agree with you as you know. I am convinced that if enough liberals get into office one day, they will succeed in banning guns and ousting the 2nd amendment or at least re-defining it to the point where they deem it irrelevant to modern times. It is amazing how they go on the war path every single time there is a shooting, but also like you said, they won’t let the facts get in the way of a juicy, liberal agenda promoting story. They won’t consider that gun violence has dramatically decreased in direct relation to more guns being carried concealed AND that violent crime has run amuck in areas of liberal bastion.

  2. YOU ARE RIGHT ON. GOOD COMMENT! I thought immediately how crazy that woman was to suggest guns in the church??? YOU, who want to have guns abolished so no one has them??? Those people are thoughtless and crazy. I'm surprised Obama even took time to say as much as he did since he "had a plane to catch!"

  3. Satan is alive and doing well on planet earth.
