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Friday, July 22, 2016

The Lesser of Two Evils

I keep hearing Christians say they plan to sit out this election because they can't choose between the lesser of two evils and they'll trust God to take care of it because He is in control. Please consider a few thoughts:

Of course God is in control and we trust Him for the end results, but Jesus said "Occupy till I come." We can't just sit back and let it happen. We must be engaged in the process. To not vote is to give away a freedom and right that most of the world never had until America came along and most of the world still doesn't have today. The reason we are in this mess is too many Christians sitting back and not getting involved.

Politics is an end result game. Sometimes you have to take the less desirable to get to the more desirable. It's a step by step process. In a democratic society you will never get one giant leap for mankind to save the country unless there is a coup d'etat led by a benevolent dictator.

I disagree that both candidates are the same. Trump is flawed no doubt, and he's hard to stand behind, but Hillary is vile godlessness personified. Trump is a sinful man. Hillary is pure evil. Trump has just picked a great Christian to run for VP, and he's been meeting with Christian leaders like James Dobson and Franklin Graham. The Republican platform is one of the most conservative we've seen in years.

Trump may not be the best choice, but he's better than the alternative. At least he's turning in the right direction. Hillary will be Obama on steroids and if she's elected we likely will not have the country we still know left in four years.

I understand Senator Cruz's frustration. It's a hard pill to swallow, but if he's the great Christian he presents himself as in comparison with the non-Christian Trump, no matter what he calls himself, there is an element called forgiveness. He needs to meditate on Matthew 5:44 for awhile. Then he needs to get a grip on the end game. He gave a great speech except that he drove a wedge through the middle of the party. He could have been magnanimous and unifying, in which case he would probably have been so popular he would have been the preferred candidate next time. Instead he may have ruined his political career and if the party can't come together to defeat hillary he has lost an opportunity to save America from absolute evil.
I say all this having voted for Cruz in the primaries. I don't personally like Trump, but I don't like Hillary even worse.

Trump may have moral problems, but so did Kings David and Solomon. There is at least hope for Trump. Hillary will lead the country to certain judgment and destruction. That's how important this election is and why every effort must be made to defeat Hillary. A divided Republican party won't do it.

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