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Friday, March 3, 2017

A Foul Mouth


Now the antithesis of a great mother. Someone argued on a friend's Facebook page that she will vote for hillary because she is a mother and Trump has a foul mouth.

Here is my response:

"If you vote for Hillary, you are voting for pro abortion on demand, no restrictions, no sovereign borders, illegal aliens invading the country, a weak military, no respect in the world, betrayal of Americans in Benghazi by refusing to increase security or recommend military intervention that could have easily been there in time to save their lives, lying about an unheard of video being the cause of the attack, infusion of Muslims into the country, bend over for the gay lobby, voter fraud, criminal misuse of top secret emails, Clinton Foundation scandals, a lawyer who got a child rapist off and laughed about the poor child's suffering, environmental kow-towing that is destroying jobs and the entire coal industry, a socialist economy that will keep you in the poor house, a woman that lies so much that 56% of the country believes she's untrustworthy, and you think that's better than a man who has a foul mouth?

Read former FBI agent Gary Aldrich's book, Restricted Access. Behind the scenes hillary is as foul mouthed as a drunken sailor. Trump wasn't my first choice, and he may be flawed, but he's a far sight better than this mess."

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