AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Compromise of Politics


For anyone waffling on whether or not to stay home because your conscience won't let you vote for Trump, or worse yet, will vote for Hillary because Trump has a foul mouth, is a liar and was disrespectful to Ted Cruz's wife, let me make an observation:

A vote for Hillary is a vote for abortion on demand, gay marriage, transgenders in girls bathrooms, moral degeneracy in the vein of Sodom and Gomorrah, a laughing stock on the world stage, greater economic debt, and chaos at home. She is as foul-mouthed as Trump and the numerous scandals she lies about every day proves it. A vote for her is a godless, morally blind, anti-Christian vote.

A non vote because you don't like Trump is giving your tacit approval to this destruction of America. Trump may not be perfect, but he's not afraid to confront the lunacy of political correctness, and he is surrounding himself with conservative advisors. As for foreign policy he's got more experience than BHO had when he was elected. When world leaders start warning the US not to elect a person, it's not because they think he'll be a pushover like Obama, it's because they are afraid he'll rebuild America to greatness.

I was also appalled at Trump's bully-boy attacks against Cruz and his wife and the other candidates, but for all his unchristian antics, he's the only candidate who has had the courage to stand up and say persecution against Christians in America must stop.

Politics is all about compromise. Sometimes you have to take a flawed candidate in order to prepare the way for a better one next time. Staying home and not voting for anyone is reneging on your God given right guaranteed in our Constitution to be part of the government process, a right most of the world has never and still doesn't have.
Your conscience doesn't allow you to vote for Trump. Does it then allow you to sit by and let hillary win? That's a conscience with ethical problems.

We have the greatest government in the history of the world, a government of the people, but if we the people don't get involved we will fail in our obligations as American citizens, and throw it all away. Not voting is surrendering not only your rights but your liberty to godless people who will only be too happy to take them from you.

If you don't vote, don't complain if you don't like the results.

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