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Friday, March 3, 2017

I Give Up


I just read a very long article by a never-trumper about four things for a Christian to consider before voting for Hillary. It's too long to post and I'm tired of this stuff from people who are so blind that they will sacrifice the future because there is not a perfect candidate, but here is my response anyway. You'll get an idea what the guy was saying by my comments and I'm not nearly as long as he was:

Okay, I give up. I surrender. Give the country to Hillary and accept the consequences. Obviously God is preparing to judge our nation so let's just sit back and watch it happen. Let's not occupy till He comes, let's just hide in our churches and pretend to be spiritual by disengaging from life.

This article would carry more weight if the author had his theology correct, but he starts from a flawed premise. Arguing from 1 Corinthians 5 he claims we shouldn't have any connection with Trump. But the passage is talking about church discipline of a Christian brother. It doesn't apply.

Further, the OT prophets never said anything about campaigning for leaders because they had no choice in the selection of their kings. There is no foundation to any argument using those prophets that applies to our situation today other than calling the nation to righteousness.

Neither does the author understand America's history or our political process. America is unique in the history of nations in that we were founded by godly men as a Christian nation, and guaranteed the right to vote and to influence the direction of our government. This author wants us to refrain from political involvement because it is corrupting the church and our Christian testimony. The reality is it is exactly because the church has disengaged that we are in this quagmire.

He claims a Trump presidency will silence the voice of the "prophetic church." This so-called prophetic church for the most part is silent now. What makes him think a Hillary presidency will wake it up? Hillary wants to totally silence the church in the public and private arenas. Trump is openly calling for the repeal of the Johnson Amendment so that the church will be unmuzzled.

He's against Trump because his election may bring God's judgment, but he's okay letting Hillary win which most certainly would be God's judgment and the destruction of our country. So let's just surrender and let God's judgment rain on us. Let's go sit on a mountain like a bunch of Millerites and wait for the rapture. God is sovereign and He's going to accomplish His will no matter what we do. Calvin said so. So let's do nothing.

I think I'd rather do what Jesus said and occupy till He comes. Let's take advantage of the freedom God has given us and use the political process to try and turn the country back to our roots. We need to understand that politics is a step by step process. There is no giant leap solution. Trump may be flawed, but he is a step in a political process that will give us a little window of hope for the future. With Hillary there will be no future.

I keep hearing the argument that churches and preachers should stay out of politics and stick to the Gospel. Why? That's the secular anti-Christian view of our government. Why should we give in to that? Why should we let non-Christians tell us what to do?

There were 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Of those, 52 were dedicated Protestant Christians, and many, including Roger Sherman, who was one of the most prominent members, were theologians. Preachers gave us our country. Why should we not take it back from secularists who want to silence our voices?

When you go to vote remember four things: Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, and Hillary. That's the future if Trump loses.

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