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Friday, March 3, 2017

What Biblical Principle?


I keep seeing people write they can't vote for Trump because of biblical principle. I would like to know what principle that is? Show me a Scripture. God called Elijah to anoint Jehu to be king of Israel. Jehu was a godless man. He could probably be compared with Trump except that he was much worse. God used him anyway and he eradicated Baal worship in Israel.

So what is the biblical principle? I've been told God is more important than the USA. Of course God is more important, but God also gave us nations and established borders and told us to pray for our leaders. In America He has given us a situation unique to any in OT or NT times. We can actually vote for our leaders and effect change in the direction of the country. So why do we squabble over a flawed man who is seeking out Christian leaders for guidance when the alternative is evil incarnate?

There are a lot of things I don't like about Trump, but at this point what other valid option is there for defeating hillary? What is the biblical principle that says we should throw away the country and the future of religious freedom and world wide missions because we don't have a born again fundamental or evangelical Christian with a perfect family record running for office?

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