January 31, 2018
Tonight, after a rather turbulent first year in office, President Trump gave his first State of the Union address to Congress and the nation. The president is not an eloquent speaker, but what he lacks in style he more than makes up for with confidence and facts. His list of accomplishments in face of Democrat resistance aided by liberal media are astounding. He has done more to spur the economy than any president in history and he's just begun.
The speech itself was phenomenal, introducing many American heroes, as well as people who have suffered loss due to illegal immigrants and the North Korean regime, and calling for a renewed military buildup as well as securing our borders. It was a speech about the American people and what the American people can do if we get the government off our backs and get back to Constitutional governing. His theme was triumphantly America first.
The big story of the night, however, was the Democrats. You would expect that they would at least show a little approval of a booming economy, but no matter what Trump said, they sat in their seats with ugly frowns on their faces. They refused to stand or even applaud tax cuts, 2.4 million new jobs, booming stock market, or unemployment at a 45 year low. The African-American delegation didn't even smile at the announcement of black unemployment at its lowest level ever.
They sat and pouted like children that didn't get their candy, refusing to stand or applaud when the president praised the military, gave a plan to fight terrorism, and declared that we will stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem. When the president said we will trust in our God and the people will make America great again the Democrats just sat. They showed beyond doubt that their concern is not for America or Americans, but rather contempt.
The Democrat response by Joe Kennedy III was simply the stupidest response I've ever heard. It was a typical liberal diatribe, all talking points and no substance. Kennedy had not one original thought. Everything he accused Trump and the Republicans of the Democrats are guilty of. Trying to sound passionate, he looked more like a bad actor in a deplorable movie. By fear-mongering he tried to push the liberal narrative of an administration bent on impoverishing the people. The same old class warfare they always spew. He was all platitude and no plan, and after speaking to his audience in Spanish, he made it clear that the Democrat agenda is immigrants first over American citizens.
Trump called for unity but he isn't going to get it. The Democrats are too selfish, greedy, bitter, hateful, pompous and arrogant to do anything that would actually help the American people. But considering what Trump has accomplished in his first year without Democrat cooperation, it will be interesting to see what he will be able to do in the next. What he needs more than anything is our prayers for the hand of God to guide him along the way.
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