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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Why Christians Voted for Trump

February 1, 2018

A Trump critic wrote that it is confusing to unbelievers when they see Christians voting for an immoral man like Trump to be president. The person didn't believe God has anything to do with elections. Here is my answer:

It's not confusing at all. The option was a man who has a flawed character, but who is pro-America, concerned about secure borders, knows economics and how to spur the economy, and how to deal with foreign governments obviously already better than the last two presidents, and who was seeking advice from leading evangelical leaders in the country and changed his position on abortion to pro-life, or a woman who is every bit as morally flawed, who is a dyed in the wool socialist, who would have continued the same destructive economic policies of Obama and his anti-American week-kneed, apologetic, Muslim loving foreign policies, who is in favor of open borders and no restrictions on immigration, is pro-abortion up to and even after the birth of a child, who has a history of opponents mysteriously dying behind her, who sold 20% of America's uranium reserves to our Russian enemies for hundreds of million of dollars in donations to her foundation, who had obstructed justice by destroying 33,000 emails that had been subpoenaed, who sent classified information on an unsecured private email server in her house, a felony offense, and who rigged her primary election to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning.

It's a no-brainer. Trump may have a sordid past, and I have no idea if he's actually truly converted to Christianity, but he has regular Bible studies and prayer meetings with evangelical leaders in the Oval Office, and he's taken steps to remove the Johnson Amendment which has put restrictions on religious liberty and First Amendment rights of free speech for the last sixty years. God has everything to do with who gets into office. Romans 13:1 says those in power are ordained by God to do good, not evil. Proverbs 21:1 indicates He uses them to accomplish His will. In Obama's case, I believe God used him to take America to the brink of destruction to wake Christians up from their lethargy, and I believe He is using Trump to bring the country back. That doesn't make him a messiah, and it remains to be seen how successful he will be, but I also believe that if Hillary had been elected it would have meant the end of constitutional government and freedom in America, which likely would have been God's final judgment on our wicked, morally corrupt society. That's how bad she is, and that's why a vote for Trump was and is the most logical vote a Christian could make.

And to my never-Trump friends who castigated me for voting for him, who told me I was naive and worse, who said Trump was a charlatan and I was being duped, I would like to know your opinions: Is he still a charlatan? Is his conversion to a pro-life position still a political ploy? Is his pro-American patriotism fake? Are his prayer meetings in the Oval Office God honoring? I didn't say is he a messiah, but has his first year in office been good for America? If you think not, why not?


  1. Well said, Lance!!

  2. Thank you Lance!

  3. Well said, Lance. I totally agree with you.

  4. Totally agree with you ... Thank you!

  5. Like, like like!!!!!!!

  6. Thank you.

  7. Hmmm. Don't see any takers on your challenge.

  8. Thankfully proud to say you are special
    And I have known you since you were an infant, so I ought to know where you stand!!

  9. I totally agree with what you said.

  10. Great clarification of our beliefs!

  11. Excellent! No denying the truth... or closed off, short sightedness of the never- trumpers.

  12. Well said, Lance.

  13. Great post Lance!

  14. Another good spot on post!

  15. As always, you nailed it my friend!! You may remember that my family is Catholic and one of my biggest points of confusion is how so many Catholics can profess to be Pro-Life (a tenet of the Catholic Church) and even March for Life, then turn around and support the liberal agenda and vote democrat. Many well-known liberal leaders are Catholic and fight for abortion “rights” to include partial-birth abortion. Even clergy. SMH

  16. Very good and to the point Lance

  17. Very good and to the point Lance

  18. Very good and to the point Lance

  19. You are far more intelligent than I ever knew about in South h.s.
