Yesterday twenty-seven Republican cowards in the Senate, including Missouri's supposed conservative Roy Blunt, effectively voted to fund Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution to raise the deficit. Obama, due to his own ineptness, has been in free fall for several months and the Republicans had a chance to absolutely crush his agenda. Instead they surrendered and gave him the victory. The Republican Party is led by a herd of spineless wimps afraid to stand up to the greatest threat to American sovereignty since King George III.
This is just incredible. Obama is the perfect Manchurian Candidate. He is so inept he couldn't run a hotdog stand on the corner, he can't give a speech without TelePrompTers, he doesn't have an original thought in his head, socialist puppeteers are playing him while he plays golf, everybody, including his in the pocket unions, knows his signature achievement, Obamacare, is about to completely destroy the economy as well as the health care system, even his supporters are complaining, but we can't find enough conservatives with the brains and the guts to put an end to his socialist overthrow of the Constitution.
We expect the godless, characterless, lapdog left to bow the knee to their messiah, but when in our history has an opposition party been so weak that they automatically throw in the towel without a whimper? Ted Cruz and the few that stood with him and for We the People, were shot in the back by their own party leadership.
What do Mitchell, Cornyn and all the rest of them think? Do they believe that if they compromise and just go along that Obama will work with them later? He's an attack dog that can smell fear and he smells it. He won't be satisfied until there isn't one Republican left standing.
It has well been said that people get the leaders they deserve. We're seeing that now. The stupidity of at least half or more of the American electorate that doesn't understand the government or the economy because they attended a public school system that is more concerned with gay propaganda than education, and greedily votes for shared poverty as long as they get their welfare and food stamps because socialist ideologue hacks in the media who have sold their souls to Obama have convinced their undiscerning minds that it is good for them, has given us this disaster.
John Dewey would be proud. His socialist anti-constitutional government philosophy has prevailed in American society. The dumbing down of America that Bill Clinton warned us about has taken place precisely because we have followed his educational agenda.
The question now is what will the House GOP do when they go into conference with the Senate to negotiate this Continuing Resolution? Boehner was only a last minute convert to allowing a vote on defunding Obamacare in the House. The flood of phone calls, faxes and e-mails against funding Obamacare over the last two weeks gave him no choice. But will the House negotiators stand up to the Senate's determination to fund it? Or will they turn out, after one moment of courage, to be the same spineless wimps that the majority of Republicans are in the Senate?
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34). We have stumbled along with God's blessing for a long time but I'm afraid we are about to reach the end of the rope and find out what this verse really means.
We need to pray for our country as never before.
AMERICAN FLYER is a place where America's history, her founders, her Christian roots, her servicemen and women and her greatness are loved and appreciated, where America is praised and valued, not pilloried or vilified. God Bless America.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
More Musings
Remember Joe Biden's rant against assault weapons? He suggested buying a shotgun instead. So guess what kind of weapon Aaron Alexis used to murder 12 people at the Navy Yard? A shotgun. And what is the anti Second Amendment crowd response? We need to ban assault weapons. Right, I see the logic.
In another response to the shooting University of Kansas professor David Guth said to NRA members on Twitter, “Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters”…"May God damn you.” Shouldn't this qualify as a hate crime?
Once again a non-NRA member shoots up a crowd and the anti-gun zealots blame the NRA. Of course it makes sense. It's not like the shooter is guilty or anything like that.
So, Pelosi and Reid's argument against defunding Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution was, "It's the law. You can't defund it." I seem to remember that in 2006 Congress passed into law the border fence. As soon as the Democrats got control of Congress they refused to fund it. What's the difference?
Obama's response to the House vote, "There's no serious evidence Obamacare will hurt the economy." Well, in Liberal double-speak that may be true. By the time it's up and running it will already have done so much harm that there's no evidence it will do anything worse in the future than it has already done.
And what was it he said about the Continuing Resolution? Raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt? Is this guy living in the same world we are living in, or is he in the utopian fantasy land that never existed except in the minds of leftist Peter Pans?
How about Obama's mindless spokesperson, Jay Carney? A couple days ago he called the pending vote to defund Obamacare a "civil war." He might be right. Considering Obama is making war against the will of 70% of the people who are in favor of defunding Obamacare it might just qualify as that.
On the other hand, since he has yet to prove his US citizenship this is less a civil war than it is a foreign invasion.
I'm sure there are more things I could muse on, but I'll let it go for now.
In another response to the shooting University of Kansas professor David Guth said to NRA members on Twitter, “Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters”…"May God damn you.” Shouldn't this qualify as a hate crime?
Once again a non-NRA member shoots up a crowd and the anti-gun zealots blame the NRA. Of course it makes sense. It's not like the shooter is guilty or anything like that.
So, Pelosi and Reid's argument against defunding Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution was, "It's the law. You can't defund it." I seem to remember that in 2006 Congress passed into law the border fence. As soon as the Democrats got control of Congress they refused to fund it. What's the difference?
Obama's response to the House vote, "There's no serious evidence Obamacare will hurt the economy." Well, in Liberal double-speak that may be true. By the time it's up and running it will already have done so much harm that there's no evidence it will do anything worse in the future than it has already done.
And what was it he said about the Continuing Resolution? Raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt? Is this guy living in the same world we are living in, or is he in the utopian fantasy land that never existed except in the minds of leftist Peter Pans?
How about Obama's mindless spokesperson, Jay Carney? A couple days ago he called the pending vote to defund Obamacare a "civil war." He might be right. Considering Obama is making war against the will of 70% of the people who are in favor of defunding Obamacare it might just qualify as that.
On the other hand, since he has yet to prove his US citizenship this is less a civil war than it is a foreign invasion.
I'm sure there are more things I could muse on, but I'll let it go for now.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
A couple weeks ago I got into a discussion on a friend of my brother's Facebook page with an arrogant 18 year old snort who had been indoctrinated into liberalese by his public school education. Thinking he was brilliant he mocked and called us names, typical leftist tactics, until we step by step took his arguments apart with the truth and he had nothing to come back with.
What I find most interesting about these conversations is the inevitable attack against Ronald Reagan using Iran-Contra as evidence of his criminal activity. They also like to show his treasonous actions in supporting bin-Laden in Afghanistan's war against Soviet occupation.
Truth, of course, never matters to a liberal. Only the agenda. But the truth is Ronald Reagan was investigated and found innocent of any personal wrong doing in the Iran-Contra affair. As for bin-Laden, he was just another freedom fighter trying to drive out the Soviets. We supplied the freedom fighters with stinger anti-aircraft missiles in order to sting our long time Cold War enemy. There was no way of telling in the mid-1980s that bin-Laden was going to turn on us, or that a terrorist organization like Al Qaida was brewing in his mind.
Liberal double-speak, as we are increasingly seeing with Obama, Biden, and all the rest, is Machiavellian to the core. That is, whatever you do or say to maintain power is justified. So Obama can call Bush unpatriotic and criminal for 450 billion dollar deficits, but when he takes office 1.3 trillion dollar deficits are suddenly necessary and patriotic. Biden can state publicly that he would call for Bush's impeachment if he got involved in any wars without congressional approval (he did not), but it's okay when Obama unilaterally calls for air strikes in Libya without even discussing it with Congress, much less getting its approval. And on and on it goes.
Obama's attempt last weekend to do it again, however, backfired and the whole Syria affair has made him look like a fool world wide. Today, however, he has announced that he is suspending sections 40 and 40A of the 1976 Arms Exports Control Act, which prohibits weapons technology from being exported to terrorist groups, in order to send weapons to the Al Qaida/Muslim Brotherhood led Syrian rebels. If this isn't the height of arrogance. Since when does a president have the right to indiscriminately bypass the law? (As if it's only the first time he's done it!)
What is worse is that after a year of delays and threatening embassy personal to dissuade them from testifying, the truth, which was suggested a year ago already, is beginning to spread that Ambassador Chris Stevens was in Benghazi because the embassy was involved in gun running to the Syrian rebels. Do we hear anything from the media on this? Is any news organization trying to get to the bottom of it? Where are the comparisons to Iran-Contra? How about the accusations of treason for supplying a sworn enemy of the United States with weapons?
The Democrats were talking impeachment for Reagan for something he wasn't even involved in. They would have impeached Nixon for the cover up of a minor break in until he resigned. Obama is not only involved, he sacrificed the lives of four Americans and has spent a year covering it up and now he has openly declared he will bypass the law to do more. This is not minor, and it's not just a cover up. The Benghazi-Syria connection is bigger and reaches into higher places than Iran-Contra ever came close to.
Shouldn't we be hearing "Impeachment" shouted from the highest levels of Congress? It's about time somebody had the guts to stand up to Obama and his leftist thugs before they turn into the next Hitler and his leftist Brown Shirts.
What I find most interesting about these conversations is the inevitable attack against Ronald Reagan using Iran-Contra as evidence of his criminal activity. They also like to show his treasonous actions in supporting bin-Laden in Afghanistan's war against Soviet occupation.
Truth, of course, never matters to a liberal. Only the agenda. But the truth is Ronald Reagan was investigated and found innocent of any personal wrong doing in the Iran-Contra affair. As for bin-Laden, he was just another freedom fighter trying to drive out the Soviets. We supplied the freedom fighters with stinger anti-aircraft missiles in order to sting our long time Cold War enemy. There was no way of telling in the mid-1980s that bin-Laden was going to turn on us, or that a terrorist organization like Al Qaida was brewing in his mind.
Liberal double-speak, as we are increasingly seeing with Obama, Biden, and all the rest, is Machiavellian to the core. That is, whatever you do or say to maintain power is justified. So Obama can call Bush unpatriotic and criminal for 450 billion dollar deficits, but when he takes office 1.3 trillion dollar deficits are suddenly necessary and patriotic. Biden can state publicly that he would call for Bush's impeachment if he got involved in any wars without congressional approval (he did not), but it's okay when Obama unilaterally calls for air strikes in Libya without even discussing it with Congress, much less getting its approval. And on and on it goes.
Obama's attempt last weekend to do it again, however, backfired and the whole Syria affair has made him look like a fool world wide. Today, however, he has announced that he is suspending sections 40 and 40A of the 1976 Arms Exports Control Act, which prohibits weapons technology from being exported to terrorist groups, in order to send weapons to the Al Qaida/Muslim Brotherhood led Syrian rebels. If this isn't the height of arrogance. Since when does a president have the right to indiscriminately bypass the law? (As if it's only the first time he's done it!)
What is worse is that after a year of delays and threatening embassy personal to dissuade them from testifying, the truth, which was suggested a year ago already, is beginning to spread that Ambassador Chris Stevens was in Benghazi because the embassy was involved in gun running to the Syrian rebels. Do we hear anything from the media on this? Is any news organization trying to get to the bottom of it? Where are the comparisons to Iran-Contra? How about the accusations of treason for supplying a sworn enemy of the United States with weapons?
The Democrats were talking impeachment for Reagan for something he wasn't even involved in. They would have impeached Nixon for the cover up of a minor break in until he resigned. Obama is not only involved, he sacrificed the lives of four Americans and has spent a year covering it up and now he has openly declared he will bypass the law to do more. This is not minor, and it's not just a cover up. The Benghazi-Syria connection is bigger and reaches into higher places than Iran-Contra ever came close to.
Shouldn't we be hearing "Impeachment" shouted from the highest levels of Congress? It's about time somebody had the guts to stand up to Obama and his leftist thugs before they turn into the next Hitler and his leftist Brown Shirts.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Go Hogs
Well, so many things are going on in the world it's hard to keep up, but the biggest at the moment I think is that our current non-exceptional, non-American president has just given our victory in the Cold War away to Vladimir Putin. Every president since Truman at least has tried to keep Russian influence out of the Middle East. Now after drawing a red line, then not drawing it, then shamelessly blaming the world for drawing it (at least he didn't blame Bush), he let Putin outmaneuver him and negotiate an apparent deal with Assad in Syria to keep us from getting involved.
I'm not in favor of us jumping into another war, but Obama's ineptitude has just removed the United States from being the world's number one and most respected super power into a subservient client of a former USSR head of the KGB. But that's not all. Since the world no longer fears American might or resolve, Putin sent an anti-aircraft missile defense system to Iran, along with more parts for the development of its nuclear reactor. You know, the one Obama was going to talk them out of with his charm. Now there is a successful foreign policy for you, well deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize. (I wonder if the Nobel committee has realized yet how much egg it has on its face.)
Obama's address to the nation last week was disjointed, rambling, and pointless, and it made Obama look weak, spineless and very unpresidential. Everybody in the world knows now that he is not believable and his influence in foreign policy, whatever little it might have been, is completely gone. Even Chris Matthews, he of the "tingling leg when Obama speaks," is beginning to question Obama's credibility.
But if that's not enough, Putin had the gall to send an op-ed to the New York Times, the most liberal Obama supporting tabloid in the country, lecturing Americans on American Exceptionalism. We aren't exceptional he told us. Obviously not under our current leadership. His article got no response from Obama. Rather, he said that he believes in American Exceptionalism in the same way that the British believe in British Exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek Exceptionalism. The problem is there is no such thing with the Brits, the Greeks, or any other nation. American Exceptionalism is an American ideal that recognizes America's greatness because of our history, our Constitution, and the spiritual and moral roots of our culture. Obama doesn't understand any of this. (Putin's piece, by the way, was full of anti-American claptrap, and even misrepresented Russia's own history under Boris Yeltsin.)
On another front, while Christianity is increasingly under attack in the US by the ACLU, the GLBT, the DOJ, the IRS, and the DOD, as well as the WHO (White House Occupant), a couple of weeks ago Vladimir Putin stood up for Christians in Russia and said they were being unfairly treated and were deserving of the same rights as everyone else. Now there is a switch. When in the history of the world has a Russian leader ever come to the defense of Christianity? And when in the history of the United States has a president ever been so hostile to Christianity, all the while claiming to be one? This is unprecedented and makes one wonder with the world being turned upside down like it is if we aren't close to the end!
There was another eye-popper this weekend. Gene Simmons, remember him? He was the lead singer of the heavy metal rock band KISS. Back in the 70's the rumor floated around Fundamentalist circles that the name stood for "Kings in Satan's Service." I don't know where that came from, but considering the demonic make up they wore and the noise they made (I hesitate to call it music) it wasn't hard to believe. As it turns out, Gene Simmons, who no longer paints his face, has a fairly decent haircut, and says he has never used drugs, is now involved in the Arena Football League. Sunday he came to the defense of Tim Tebow blasting the NFL and the people that don't like him because of his outspoken testimony, and defending his right to be a Christian and speak out about it. Then he invited him to come play in the AFL because it is good family entertainment and they want guys like Tebow. These are strange days we're living in.
Then you may have heard about the lesbian Air Force commander who brought charges against one of her veteran troops because he is a Christian and refused to recognize the gay community as a legitimate lifestyle. Several months ago I had a discussion with one of my former high school students on Facebook who has become gay and argued that God had led her to that decision. She claimed that all the gay community wants in the repeal of DADT is a fair shake and equal recognition for their service to their country. What happened to the Air Force sergeant isn't recognition, it's retribution, which is what the gay community has really wanted all along.
Something else that should be big, but apparently is being ignored by the Lame Stream Media, is the trial of Muhammed Morsi in Egypt. In testimony last week the Muslim Brotherhood defending Morsi claimed that Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Did you ever wonder why Obama was so dead set on overthrowing Mubarak in favor of Morsi, on covering up for the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists that attacked and killed American embassy personnel in Libya, or on supporting the Muslim Brotherhood led rebels in Syria? He has celebrated Ramadan with Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the White House. You would think this story would be huge, but the leftwing media, as well as the Left in general, isn't about truth or anything good for America. They are about covering for their messiah to whom they have sold their souls.
And what about the onslaught of black on white violence since the Trayvon Martin verdict? Where's the outrage? According to Al not-so Sharpton, none of that is fueled by racism. Really? When they shout "Cracker" before they smash the white guys' face what else is it? When a 17 year old black youth rapes a 71 year old white woman what is it? Not to mention the Australian ball player murdered by black youths who were bored, and all the rest. It's an almost weekly occurrence. And now we have another disgruntled black guy murdering twelve people at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. Where is Obama condemning all this? Where is his presidential leadership that was going to end the divide and bring racial peace? He's a bigger instigator of racism than Jesse Jackson.
What was Obama's reaction to this shooting? He tried to use it to reignite a discussion on gun control. What he overlooks again, as do all anti-Second Amendment gun control advocates, is that D.C. has the toughest gun control laws in the country. Didn't stop this murderous rampage. Neither has it prevented some 500 murders this year in Obama's hometown, Chicago, another city with ultra strict gun control laws.
Of course, the scandals don't quit: Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ spying on Americans including media e-mails. There are so many you can't even keep up. A year after Benghazi, no answers, and those who were there being threatened not to testify, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, refusing to appoint a select committee with subpoena powers to investigate. You begin to wonder if he's not somehow involved in the scandal. Boehner is also encouraging Republicans not to defund Obamacare in a Continuing Resolution. It's no wonder the Republican Party is collapsing. The leadership is in Obama's pocket as well.
(By the way, for those in Southwest Missouri, Billy Long is NOT voting to defund Obamacare in a Continuing Resolution. His explanation in a nutshell is that it is somehow illegal to do that. From my understanding, Continuing Resolutions, which I believe began under Lyndon Johnson, are unconstitutional themselves, but furthermore, anybody who would vote for a CR to continue spending at the current levels is not concerned about reining in the deficit, and needs to go. There's still time to call his office and tell him what you think before the vote on the CR and the implementation of Obamacare on October 1. I sent him an e-mail today and told him what a pathetic argument he made for not voting to defund Obamacare, especially since he doesn't have to enroll in it. I told him to do something to show he cares about his constituents not just himself.)
Well, I guess there is one piece of good news from this last week. The Million Muslim March on D.C. to protest America's unfair treatment of Muslims and insult Americans on 9/11, drew exactly 25 people. In contrast, over a million motorcyclists from all across the country showed up to declare their patriotism and support for America. Kind of makes me wish I had a hog, a black leather jacket, sunglasses and a bandana to wear on my head. That would have been a fun parade to be involved in.
I'm not in favor of us jumping into another war, but Obama's ineptitude has just removed the United States from being the world's number one and most respected super power into a subservient client of a former USSR head of the KGB. But that's not all. Since the world no longer fears American might or resolve, Putin sent an anti-aircraft missile defense system to Iran, along with more parts for the development of its nuclear reactor. You know, the one Obama was going to talk them out of with his charm. Now there is a successful foreign policy for you, well deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize. (I wonder if the Nobel committee has realized yet how much egg it has on its face.)
Obama's address to the nation last week was disjointed, rambling, and pointless, and it made Obama look weak, spineless and very unpresidential. Everybody in the world knows now that he is not believable and his influence in foreign policy, whatever little it might have been, is completely gone. Even Chris Matthews, he of the "tingling leg when Obama speaks," is beginning to question Obama's credibility.
But if that's not enough, Putin had the gall to send an op-ed to the New York Times, the most liberal Obama supporting tabloid in the country, lecturing Americans on American Exceptionalism. We aren't exceptional he told us. Obviously not under our current leadership. His article got no response from Obama. Rather, he said that he believes in American Exceptionalism in the same way that the British believe in British Exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek Exceptionalism. The problem is there is no such thing with the Brits, the Greeks, or any other nation. American Exceptionalism is an American ideal that recognizes America's greatness because of our history, our Constitution, and the spiritual and moral roots of our culture. Obama doesn't understand any of this. (Putin's piece, by the way, was full of anti-American claptrap, and even misrepresented Russia's own history under Boris Yeltsin.)
On another front, while Christianity is increasingly under attack in the US by the ACLU, the GLBT, the DOJ, the IRS, and the DOD, as well as the WHO (White House Occupant), a couple of weeks ago Vladimir Putin stood up for Christians in Russia and said they were being unfairly treated and were deserving of the same rights as everyone else. Now there is a switch. When in the history of the world has a Russian leader ever come to the defense of Christianity? And when in the history of the United States has a president ever been so hostile to Christianity, all the while claiming to be one? This is unprecedented and makes one wonder with the world being turned upside down like it is if we aren't close to the end!
There was another eye-popper this weekend. Gene Simmons, remember him? He was the lead singer of the heavy metal rock band KISS. Back in the 70's the rumor floated around Fundamentalist circles that the name stood for "Kings in Satan's Service." I don't know where that came from, but considering the demonic make up they wore and the noise they made (I hesitate to call it music) it wasn't hard to believe. As it turns out, Gene Simmons, who no longer paints his face, has a fairly decent haircut, and says he has never used drugs, is now involved in the Arena Football League. Sunday he came to the defense of Tim Tebow blasting the NFL and the people that don't like him because of his outspoken testimony, and defending his right to be a Christian and speak out about it. Then he invited him to come play in the AFL because it is good family entertainment and they want guys like Tebow. These are strange days we're living in.
Then you may have heard about the lesbian Air Force commander who brought charges against one of her veteran troops because he is a Christian and refused to recognize the gay community as a legitimate lifestyle. Several months ago I had a discussion with one of my former high school students on Facebook who has become gay and argued that God had led her to that decision. She claimed that all the gay community wants in the repeal of DADT is a fair shake and equal recognition for their service to their country. What happened to the Air Force sergeant isn't recognition, it's retribution, which is what the gay community has really wanted all along.
Something else that should be big, but apparently is being ignored by the Lame Stream Media, is the trial of Muhammed Morsi in Egypt. In testimony last week the Muslim Brotherhood defending Morsi claimed that Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Did you ever wonder why Obama was so dead set on overthrowing Mubarak in favor of Morsi, on covering up for the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists that attacked and killed American embassy personnel in Libya, or on supporting the Muslim Brotherhood led rebels in Syria? He has celebrated Ramadan with Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the White House. You would think this story would be huge, but the leftwing media, as well as the Left in general, isn't about truth or anything good for America. They are about covering for their messiah to whom they have sold their souls.
And what about the onslaught of black on white violence since the Trayvon Martin verdict? Where's the outrage? According to Al not-so Sharpton, none of that is fueled by racism. Really? When they shout "Cracker" before they smash the white guys' face what else is it? When a 17 year old black youth rapes a 71 year old white woman what is it? Not to mention the Australian ball player murdered by black youths who were bored, and all the rest. It's an almost weekly occurrence. And now we have another disgruntled black guy murdering twelve people at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. Where is Obama condemning all this? Where is his presidential leadership that was going to end the divide and bring racial peace? He's a bigger instigator of racism than Jesse Jackson.
What was Obama's reaction to this shooting? He tried to use it to reignite a discussion on gun control. What he overlooks again, as do all anti-Second Amendment gun control advocates, is that D.C. has the toughest gun control laws in the country. Didn't stop this murderous rampage. Neither has it prevented some 500 murders this year in Obama's hometown, Chicago, another city with ultra strict gun control laws.
Of course, the scandals don't quit: Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ spying on Americans including media e-mails. There are so many you can't even keep up. A year after Benghazi, no answers, and those who were there being threatened not to testify, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, refusing to appoint a select committee with subpoena powers to investigate. You begin to wonder if he's not somehow involved in the scandal. Boehner is also encouraging Republicans not to defund Obamacare in a Continuing Resolution. It's no wonder the Republican Party is collapsing. The leadership is in Obama's pocket as well.
(By the way, for those in Southwest Missouri, Billy Long is NOT voting to defund Obamacare in a Continuing Resolution. His explanation in a nutshell is that it is somehow illegal to do that. From my understanding, Continuing Resolutions, which I believe began under Lyndon Johnson, are unconstitutional themselves, but furthermore, anybody who would vote for a CR to continue spending at the current levels is not concerned about reining in the deficit, and needs to go. There's still time to call his office and tell him what you think before the vote on the CR and the implementation of Obamacare on October 1. I sent him an e-mail today and told him what a pathetic argument he made for not voting to defund Obamacare, especially since he doesn't have to enroll in it. I told him to do something to show he cares about his constituents not just himself.)
Well, I guess there is one piece of good news from this last week. The Million Muslim March on D.C. to protest America's unfair treatment of Muslims and insult Americans on 9/11, drew exactly 25 people. In contrast, over a million motorcyclists from all across the country showed up to declare their patriotism and support for America. Kind of makes me wish I had a hog, a black leather jacket, sunglasses and a bandana to wear on my head. That would have been a fun parade to be involved in.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Obama, the Peacemaker
On October 9, 2009, in an extraordinary decision, the Nobel Prize Committee announced that it was awarding its 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to Barak Obama. The committee cited Obama’s push for nuclear nonproliferation as a reason, as well a “new climate” that Obama brought to international relations, especially his attempts to improve relations with the Muslim world. The decision brought praise from Obama supporters and further strengthened his “messiah” status with many, but for others it was an incredibly shortsighted decision based on no accomplishment and only a simplistic hope for the future.
Obama was the man that was going to end America’s “cowboy” shoot from the hip image, and bring about world peace with his brilliant diplomatic skills. He was going to bring Iran to the table and talk them out of their nuclear weapon’s program. He was going to show the Islamic nations they had nothing to fear from the United States. He was going to bring about peace through his soft and compassionate tone.
What has happened since has shown how naïve those expectations were.
Obama campaigned for president condemning President Bush’s war in Iraq and declaring that his own plan of troop reduction would have American forces withdrawn by 2008. Once elected, however, he allowed the troops to be withdrawn on essentially the same time schedule that Bush had laid out, finishing operations in 2011. The War in Afghanistan, the “good war,” which then became Obama’s war, has continued on endlessly with a troop withdrawal not planned until 2014. Seventy-four percent of American casualties in the twelve-year-old war have come under Obama’s watch.
Iran has not come to the table, its nuclear ambitions continue, and the North Koreans have exploded an atomic weapon. Al Qaeda, in spite of Obama’s declaration that it is as good as defeated, is a greater threat today than it has ever been, the Middle East is in flames, and no one fears America anymore. They don’t respect America either.
Obama turned his back on Hosni Mubarak, America’s only solid Muslim ally in the Middle East, encouraged the revolt that overthrew him, and praised the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood for holding “democratic” elections. The winner, Mohammed Morsi, then set about implementing Sharia Law in Egypt, something the Egyptians were not willing to abide under, and in less than a year he was overthrown. So much for that experiment in democracy.
Obama, without the consent of Congress, illegally ordered US forces to participate in the overthrow of Moammar Khadafy in Libya, even though Khadafy had given up his nuclear ambitions and had behaved himself for some time. Ironically, Obama gave the order only after NATO nations had already attacked Libya and Khadafy was on the run leading to late night TV jokes of Obama’s leading from behind.
His only real accomplishment in foreign policy has been that he got bin Laden, a military operation rather than a diplomatic one, and something he has touted over and over again to make sure nobody forgets. As soon as the deed was done Obama and Biden publicly outed Seal Team 6, the Special Forces unit that actually got bin Laden, information that should have remained classified, and the exposure of which led to an ambush of a Chinook helicopter carrying several members of the team resulting in all of their deaths.
A civil war erupted in Syria against the tyrant Assad and has been going on for two years. When he had a chance to help the rebels early on Obama did nothing. Now elements of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda have gained control of the rebel efforts and the quandary is whether to help an oppressive dictator or the terrorists that oppose him who we are actually at war with ourselves.
A year ago Obama stated that if Assad used chemical weapons against the rebels that would be crossing a “red line” and could not be tolerated. In April when the first use of chemical weapons was revealed Obama downplayed it saying there wasn’t enough proof. But now there is undeniable proof according to the Secretary of State, John Kerry, that sarin gas has been used. Obama’s hand has been forced. In order to maintain any credibility he must act. But that brings to question the logic in Obama’s red line. Over 100,000 people have died in the Syrian civil war, but it was only the use of chemical weapons, which resulted in the deaths of a few hundred, that caused the red line to be crossed. Why? What about all the other tens of thousands killed? Don’t they matter too?
In Russia Vladimir Putin scoffed at the idea that chemical weapons have been used and warned Obama not to interfere. China issued the same warning, but last Saturday Obama decided it was necessary for the United States to take action. Then, while on the verge of starting World War III, he went out to play golf.
Obama’s diplomatic prowess, whatever it may have been, is no longer working as not one single nation signed on to help in an effort against Syria. Not even our closest ally, Great Britain, would step up. Neither would the US Congress, and when Democrats started insisting Obama had to have Congress’s approval, and some Republicans started talking about impeachment, Obama temporarily, at least, backed down, leading to scorn from Assad and the rebels, and leaving the world laughing at his inability to make not only command decisions, but intelligent ones.
Now it comes out that the most recent gas attack, the one Kerry is proclaiming to be the absolute proof, did not come from Assad’s forces. Rebels had been supplied with chemical weapons from a Saudi prince, but not knowing what they were, and not having any training in their use, they wound up gassing themselves. Does this mean that both sides have crossed the red line? And what about the Saudis? Have they crossed the red line as well? Now if Obama decides to reorder an attack the question is who should he strike?
And that brings up still another question. Remember when President Bush was trying to get support for the Iraq war and then Secretary of State Colin Powell presented the evidence showing Iraq developing or possessing weapons of mass destruction? Democrats as well as Republicans, even the United Nations, were convinced and supported the attack on Saddam Hussein. Just before the invasion began, however, long convoys of trucks were seen night after night in satellite imagery moving across the desert and into Syria. When no chemical weapons were found in Iraq, Bush’s opponents immediately began crying foul, but the question has always been whether or not those convoys took all those chemical weapons over the border into Syria.
The follow up question is obvious: Where did Assad get his chemical weapons? If he got them from Iraq then Bush was telling the truth and the Iraq war was justified.
In the meantime, the world is falling apart while Obama plays another round on the links. The messiah who was going to bring about world peace by his mere presence on the stage has utterly failed, but he apparently doesn’t think it’s important enough to interrupt his golf game. Maybe it’s time for the Nobel Prize Committee to make another extraordinary decision and demand Obama give their prize back. The new climate he has brought to international relations is a spreading firestorm with no peace in sight.
Obama was the man that was going to end America’s “cowboy” shoot from the hip image, and bring about world peace with his brilliant diplomatic skills. He was going to bring Iran to the table and talk them out of their nuclear weapon’s program. He was going to show the Islamic nations they had nothing to fear from the United States. He was going to bring about peace through his soft and compassionate tone.
What has happened since has shown how naïve those expectations were.
Obama campaigned for president condemning President Bush’s war in Iraq and declaring that his own plan of troop reduction would have American forces withdrawn by 2008. Once elected, however, he allowed the troops to be withdrawn on essentially the same time schedule that Bush had laid out, finishing operations in 2011. The War in Afghanistan, the “good war,” which then became Obama’s war, has continued on endlessly with a troop withdrawal not planned until 2014. Seventy-four percent of American casualties in the twelve-year-old war have come under Obama’s watch.
Iran has not come to the table, its nuclear ambitions continue, and the North Koreans have exploded an atomic weapon. Al Qaeda, in spite of Obama’s declaration that it is as good as defeated, is a greater threat today than it has ever been, the Middle East is in flames, and no one fears America anymore. They don’t respect America either.
Obama turned his back on Hosni Mubarak, America’s only solid Muslim ally in the Middle East, encouraged the revolt that overthrew him, and praised the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood for holding “democratic” elections. The winner, Mohammed Morsi, then set about implementing Sharia Law in Egypt, something the Egyptians were not willing to abide under, and in less than a year he was overthrown. So much for that experiment in democracy.
Obama, without the consent of Congress, illegally ordered US forces to participate in the overthrow of Moammar Khadafy in Libya, even though Khadafy had given up his nuclear ambitions and had behaved himself for some time. Ironically, Obama gave the order only after NATO nations had already attacked Libya and Khadafy was on the run leading to late night TV jokes of Obama’s leading from behind.
His only real accomplishment in foreign policy has been that he got bin Laden, a military operation rather than a diplomatic one, and something he has touted over and over again to make sure nobody forgets. As soon as the deed was done Obama and Biden publicly outed Seal Team 6, the Special Forces unit that actually got bin Laden, information that should have remained classified, and the exposure of which led to an ambush of a Chinook helicopter carrying several members of the team resulting in all of their deaths.
A civil war erupted in Syria against the tyrant Assad and has been going on for two years. When he had a chance to help the rebels early on Obama did nothing. Now elements of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda have gained control of the rebel efforts and the quandary is whether to help an oppressive dictator or the terrorists that oppose him who we are actually at war with ourselves.
A year ago Obama stated that if Assad used chemical weapons against the rebels that would be crossing a “red line” and could not be tolerated. In April when the first use of chemical weapons was revealed Obama downplayed it saying there wasn’t enough proof. But now there is undeniable proof according to the Secretary of State, John Kerry, that sarin gas has been used. Obama’s hand has been forced. In order to maintain any credibility he must act. But that brings to question the logic in Obama’s red line. Over 100,000 people have died in the Syrian civil war, but it was only the use of chemical weapons, which resulted in the deaths of a few hundred, that caused the red line to be crossed. Why? What about all the other tens of thousands killed? Don’t they matter too?
In Russia Vladimir Putin scoffed at the idea that chemical weapons have been used and warned Obama not to interfere. China issued the same warning, but last Saturday Obama decided it was necessary for the United States to take action. Then, while on the verge of starting World War III, he went out to play golf.
Obama’s diplomatic prowess, whatever it may have been, is no longer working as not one single nation signed on to help in an effort against Syria. Not even our closest ally, Great Britain, would step up. Neither would the US Congress, and when Democrats started insisting Obama had to have Congress’s approval, and some Republicans started talking about impeachment, Obama temporarily, at least, backed down, leading to scorn from Assad and the rebels, and leaving the world laughing at his inability to make not only command decisions, but intelligent ones.
Now it comes out that the most recent gas attack, the one Kerry is proclaiming to be the absolute proof, did not come from Assad’s forces. Rebels had been supplied with chemical weapons from a Saudi prince, but not knowing what they were, and not having any training in their use, they wound up gassing themselves. Does this mean that both sides have crossed the red line? And what about the Saudis? Have they crossed the red line as well? Now if Obama decides to reorder an attack the question is who should he strike?
And that brings up still another question. Remember when President Bush was trying to get support for the Iraq war and then Secretary of State Colin Powell presented the evidence showing Iraq developing or possessing weapons of mass destruction? Democrats as well as Republicans, even the United Nations, were convinced and supported the attack on Saddam Hussein. Just before the invasion began, however, long convoys of trucks were seen night after night in satellite imagery moving across the desert and into Syria. When no chemical weapons were found in Iraq, Bush’s opponents immediately began crying foul, but the question has always been whether or not those convoys took all those chemical weapons over the border into Syria.
The follow up question is obvious: Where did Assad get his chemical weapons? If he got them from Iraq then Bush was telling the truth and the Iraq war was justified.
In the meantime, the world is falling apart while Obama plays another round on the links. The messiah who was going to bring about world peace by his mere presence on the stage has utterly failed, but he apparently doesn’t think it’s important enough to interrupt his golf game. Maybe it’s time for the Nobel Prize Committee to make another extraordinary decision and demand Obama give their prize back. The new climate he has brought to international relations is a spreading firestorm with no peace in sight.
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